Some of you may remember our problems with my daughter's registration. Guess what! We received another registration!
A mailer from McCormack's office yesterday with a stamped message on top:
Our records show that you cast a "provisional ballot" in the recent election. We are unable to locate your voter registration on our files.
You must fill out this postage paid form to vote in future elections.
emphasis theirs!
How peculiar, when you consider my daughter, under protest of mine, being told "just in case, for future elections", to fill out a second registration at the registrar's office in Norwalk (HQ) on November 6th, the day before the election. She had in fact mailed the signed registration on October 5th, 20 days before the cut-off date for the November 7th elections. "See", she said;
"I am going to stamp it right now".
You may also remember, they told me that they were still inputting "thousands of registrations", (I assure you, among them my daughter's), and they expected this to continue through the 7th (election day)
You may also remember when among the County records I found that our voter registration data software is from a vendor that is now Diebold. But only did I find this out by pouring through the periodic reports McCormack files with the County Supervisors. You may also remember that I found, this process is partially outsourced to private vendors. (Mailing etc.)
Are we to take a registrar, and or it's vendors by their word? That all is fine and wonderful? With all the registration problem complaints across the country - we have to be more vigilant as to what happens at the registrar's office -
before the elections.
Now that we have Ms. Bowen - I will write to her - that maybe we should send a post mortem inquiry to ALL voters in the state to see how many people had problems and if so what kind - only then can we implement changes - and prepare for a fairer election process in '08.
A third registration? So what happened to the:
"I am going to stamp it right now" registration? This is beyond incompetence!