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"Hacking Democracy": Do Something!

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kster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 04:13 PM
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"Hacking Democracy": Do Something!

Lane Hudson

I saw this documentary late one night right after the 2006 Midterm Elections. The issue of electronic voting is quickly becoming an incredibly important issue for me. This video is just over half an hour. There is more on YouTube that you can find simply by searching "hacking democracy." Watch it at home one night or during your lunch hour.

(We can't have you destroying American productivity!) But, PLEASE watch it. Then, forward a link to this post to as many people as you can.

Here's the bottom line. We're giving tens of millions of dollars of contracts to Diebold without them even having to prove to people that they are safe from hackers. This documentary was earth shattering to me. If we can get a critical mass of people to care about this issue, we can do something about it!

We should start in Florida's 13th Congressional District, where Democrat Christine Jennings was screwed out of victory because Diebold's machines "lost" 18,000 votes in a race where she lost by less than 400.
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galloglas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-25-07 10:35 PM
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1. K'n'R.
Nice show, kpete.

If you've not seen Dorothy Fadiman's Stealing America:Vote by Vote, you should. We've been showing it to groups of 30 to 100 in Missouri and Kansas, preceded by Laura Paglin's "No Umbrella".

Excellent combo.

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