and Theisen worked very hard for months uncovering, documenting, and exploring the egregious undervotes on pushbutton DREs in New Mexico, as well as the phantom votes and other anomalies. Other good people worked hard too. Parenti, maybe not so hard.
For whatever reason, Parenti feels comfortable saying: "In New Mexico in 2004 Kerry lost all precincts equipped with touchscreen machines, irrespective of income levels, ethnicity, and past voting patterns." Which is a bit like claiming that every touchscreen machine displayed "Bwahahaha" instead of "Cast your vote." It makes about as much sense. If someone had been foolish or careless enough to rig touchscreens to deliver Bush victories in heavily Democratic precincts, don't people suppose they/we would have heard a bit more about this phenomenon in the last two-plus years? If someone claimed that Bush stole 300,000 Ohio votes on touchscreens, would anyone stop to check how many votes were
cast on touchscreens in Ohio? What does it take to set off people's BS detectors? (Actually, I assume that many DUers just stopped reading these threads long ago.)
So, a quick spreadsheet tutorial in case anyone is actually reading. Click on the "NM 04 By Precinct" tab, and scroll over so you can see columns T, U, and V. (The spreadsheet is set up so that the precinct names are always visible.) The touchscreen precincts are displayed in blue (see the "Legend" tab for all the details) -- many counties used one technology for early voting (EV) and another for election day (ED). Who knows what Parenti thought he was claiming, but let's use a county that used touchscreens for both early and election-day voting. Valencia, at the very bottom of the data (row 1396 and on), is a good choice. Valencia precinct #013 (row 1408) is an interesting case: we can see in columns C through F that it had many more registered Democrats than Republicans. Also, we can see in columns AD and AE that it was about 78% Native American. And Bush won this precinct? shocking, if true. But not true. Not even close, in fact. Kerry beat Bush here 169 to 59 (columns K and I).
In this particular precinct, even the undervotes aren't very interesting -- for instance, there were only 3 (1.52%) on election day, see columns BI and BJ. That isn't coincidental: most NM touchscreen precincts did not have high undervote rates. The high undervote rates were typically in
pushbutton DRE precincts, displayed in red. If you scroll up (with columns BI and BJ still visible), you can see the large undervote rates highlighted in light blue. You will see some blue-on-blue (a number of precincts in Torrance County), but a whole lot more red-on-blue (i.e., high undervotes on pushbuttons). If you scroll carefully and perhaps hide some columns, you can watch the early-voting undervotes at the same time (columns AV and AW).
Stewart and Theisen must have spent hours formatting this spreadsheet so that people could see for themselves what happened in New Mexico. What did Parenti do? I have no idea where he came up with his "fact."