Edited on Thu Mar-08-07 04:25 PM by John Q. Citizen
Senate Bill (S. 804)
House bill (H.R. 1381).
http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=23648&tr=y&auid=2441608 Summary of the Count Every Vote Act of 2007 (CEVA)
Title I – Voter Verification and Auditing
CEVA requires all voting systems to produce or require the use of a voter-verified paper ballot or record suitable for manual audits. The VVPAT constitutes the official record for any recount.
CEVA requires that at least one machine per precinct must allow voters with disabilities and language minority voters to cast a vote in a private and independent manner.
Title II – Provisional Ballots
CEVA requires provisional ballots to be counted even if voters are sent to the wrong precinct or polling place, as long as they are voting in the correct county.
CEVA requires the appropriate state official to treat a provisional ballot form as a voter registration application if he or she concludes that the voter submitting a provisional ballot is not registered to vote in the election.
Title III – Amendments to HAVA
Long lines - To address the problem of waiting lines at the polls, CEVA mandates that EAC issue standards to ensure that states meet minimum standards for the allocation of voting systems and poll workers for each precinct. States would prepare plans to prevent long wait lines; states with excessive wait times would develop remedial plans with the EAC.
Emergency Ballots - CEVA would allow voters to cast an emergency ballot if there is a failure while they are waiting at a polling place. Any emergency paper ballot that is cast shall be counted in the same manner as a regular ballot, unless the individual casting the ballot would have been required to cast a provisional ballot.
No Excuse Absentee Ballots - CEVA mandates that no reason shall be required to request an absentee ballot to vote by mail in a federal election.
Poll Worker Training - CEVA requires states to provide training to poll workers in advance of elections. The bill also creates a grant program that would provide funds to states for the education and training of poll workers.
Purging - CEVA requires each state to provide public notice, at least 45 days before an election, of all names removed from a voter registration list. Purging must be done in a form and manner prescribed by the Election Assistance Commission. States must also give individuals an opportunity to cure the problem that led to the purge.
Election Day Registration - CEVA requires states to permit individuals to register to vote in a federal election on the day of such election.
Early voting - CEVA requires early voting in each state. This requirement would encourage people to vote by allowing them to vote at times convenient for them and avoid long lines on Election Day.
Title IV – Voter Registration and Identification
CEVA requires election officials to accept and process registration applications unless there is a material omission of information that specifically affects the eligibility of the voter.
Title V – Impartial Election Administrators
CEVA makes it unlawful for chief state election officials or those who own or serve as the CEO, COO, CFO or President of an entity that designs or manufactures a voting system to take part in certain prohibited campaign activities with respect to any election for federal office.
Title VI – Ending Minority Vote Suppression
CEVA allows for a private right of action for individuals or entities to bring suit against those who use deceptive acts to keep a voter from voting. Amends 42 U.S.C. § 1971b to include deceptive acts, and provides for a criminal penalty under Title 18.
Title VII – Civic Participation by Ex-Offenders
CEVA requires states to end the practice of prohibiting convicted felons who have completed their prison term, parole or probation to vote.
Title VIII – Holiday for Voting
CEVA requires a public federal holiday on Election Day. This would give more voters time to cast ballots, and allow more qualified people to serve as poll workers.
Title IX – Additional Improvements to Election Procedures
CEVA would create a study on the feasibility of establishing a “Democracy Index”; a ranking system for assessing and comparing the quality of each state’s election administration procedures.
Title X – Strengthening the Election Assistance Commission
CEVA extends the authorization of the Election Assistance Commission
CEVA requires the Election Assistance Commission to submit budget estimates to the Congress.