Here’s a quick overview of some of the key problems with voting by mail:
1) Early voting, inclusive of absentee voting, is NOT included in the 1% mandatory audit, because the EC 15360 says it shall be inclusive all "precincts" of the official canvass, and Conny McCormack (and now the majority of other election officials) has decided that early voting is precinctless. Debra Bowen has to bill to remedy this loophole has just passed (two days ago), but it won't take effect until next year.
2) Absentee ballots are not only scanned and tabulated by the computers with the same vulnerabilities as all computer voting systems, but also they using scanned and tabulated on computers that are even worse than average. Many of the specialized computers for the processing of absentees once house internal security audit features that have now been dismantled.
3) Much of absentee signatures are read with automated signature-reading machines, such as "Vote Remote." The problem with "Vote Remote" type equipment is that it can be calibrated up or down on how close of a match an election official desires. Also, to date, there is no regulation on this, and so it obviously can be used as a vote spoilage device.
4) The term "vote by mail" or "absentee voting" is used very loosely with no set of standards. Some states, such as Georgia do not protect the privacy of the ballot. And I hear the selling absentee ballots is an issue in Southern Florida. Oregon has the "Gold Standard," but even there is they say it isn't appropriate for areas with corruption or "Jim Crow" issues. Also, it is notable that no one really even knows how well it has been used there, and that is why the election integrity advocates are hurrying to get an audit protocol in place asap.
5) "Achieve accuracy first, before adding features," I believe should be our criteria. This "vote by mail" term is used loosely to mean almost anything and it should be a well conceived plan that is not another hole in the election system plumbing. In other words, we can no longer demand or legislate new voting procedures before FIRST planning on how they will be implemented with transparency and accuracy.
6) Absentee voting is inherently reliant on the U.S. Post Office, which subcontracts out much of its storage and courier servicing of ballots in manner that is NOT secure.
7) A centralized paradigm that can easily shut the purview (and safety) inherent in having precinct level oversight. When there is a corrupt government who does not acknowledge the checks and balances on the books, such as what we've experienced in California with Conny McCormack with sole dominion over LA elections, we have problems with the centralization of power that effectively locks the citizenry out of the vote counting process.
8) There is an open issue in most states as to what happens if a voter fails to add a stamp, or adds a single stamp but the oversized ballot requires extra postage.
9) Many people fail to realize that using an “absentee ballot” at the precinct, is in most states considered voting provisional. In other words, its guilty until proven innocent in status. They need to be certain you haven’t voted twice and that allows a lot of the behind the scenes decision-making without necessarily the proper oversight. To date, most states do not require counting provisional ballots.
10) There is now a survey the refutes that claim that it increases vote turnout, see: even if it did increase turnout, at what price?
11) Here's an updated pro/con chart that I made based on a survey I conducted of about 200 submissions on the "issues" surrounding vote by mail, see: ELECTION PROTECTION NETWORK