...that elections are being stolen by individuals who are voting more than once via a variety of methods. (Google Voter fraud for a number of republican examples.) The Republicans who cry foul try to make it sound like voter fraud is at epidemic levels and is a game changer for elections. The truth is, court cases of individuals perpetrating actual voter fraud are quite insignificant in numbers. Ask your friend to produce more than a thousand cases of actual voter fraud in any state which have been brought to trial over the last two elections. Ask your friend to produce even a hundred convictions from voter fraud.
Unlike voter fraud, election fraud has cost candidates an unknown number of votes, a number likely in the tens of millions or much much higher if voter caging is included. IMO what the current proponents of voter fraud legislation are doing IS a form of election fraud called voter suppression. What they, (the republicans), are really doing when they are screaming about voter fraud is seeking reasons for legislation, laws that make it more difficult for members of the electorate to actually vote. By forcing the voter to jump through new hoops they catch quite a few unaware voters at the polls.
Here is an example of Indiana nuns being disenfranchised by this method:
http://www.bradblog.com/?p=5960 The nuns were not the real targets of this scam but they made for a nice public splash in the media recently. The true victims rarely get such coverage. The intended targets of this scam are generally minorities from areas which have a history of voting for Democrats
BradBlog has quite a bit on this, for example:
http://www.bradblog.com/?p=3891 Surf through Brad Blog for more such if you want a pretty good education on this topic. Thom Hartmann has an excellent interview with an author who has a recent book out advocating against voter fraud-he is imo part of the scam and Thom beat up on him pretty good in the interview after-which Thom had a bit more to say to us on the topic. Unfortunately the Thom Hartmann Show archives are unavailable currently because his whole site is down for maintenance. If you like, I'll get you the link to the transcripts as soon as I see it back up. I hope this helps a little...likely by the time I post this there will be others here helping you who have a better handle on this topic than I. Like yourself I am relatively new to all of this and worse waaaay past my bedtime.