Immediate Release
Jeannie Layson, Sarah Litton
(202) 566-3100
EAC Announces Intention to Suspend SysTest Labs
Follows Action Taken by National Institute of Standards and Technology
WASHINGTON, DC . The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) today notified SysTest Laboratories Inc. of its intent to suspend the laboratory.s accreditation based upon actions taken by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
* EAC letter to SysTest: * NIST letter to SysTest: is one of five laboratories that were accredited by the EAC to test voting systems under the EAC.s voluntary program. The EAC accredited SysTest on February 21, 2007 based on a recommendation from NIST.
NIST suspended SysTest due to numerous non-conformities with the NIST Handbook 150-22 Voting System Testing, which sets forth the procedures, requirements and guidance for the accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories by the National Voting Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). Non-conformities included failure to create and validate test methods, improper documentation of testing and unqualified personnel.
Section 2.4 of EAC.s Voting System Test Laboratory Program Manual requires all voting system test laboratories to hold .a valid accreditation from NIST/NVLAP.. Pursuant to Section 5.4 of the Manual, the EAC today notified SysTest of the Commission.s intent to suspend its accreditation. SysTest has three days to respond to the EAC.s action. If SysTest cannot refute the NIST suspension, the EAC will suspend SysTest requiring the laboratory to immediately halt all testing under the EAC program.
As a result of NIST.s action, the EAC program director will issue notification informing manufacturers of their right to request a change of test laboratory in accordance with the EAC program manual.