Money, influence and the fate of democracy in New York
Sunday, March 1st 2009, 4:00 AM-snip-
New York, one of the last states to comply with federal laws and court orders requiring an upgrade of voting machines, is holding public hearings - the next is Wednesday night - on the pros and cons of different computerized voting systems.
But the public hearings may be window-dressing for a rigged process.
As watchdogs have warned for years, the private corporations that manufacture and service voting machines are salivating over the prospect of supplying New York with voting machines.
One company, Nebraska-based Election Software & Systems, has paid $500,000 since 2005 to Davidoff, Malito and Hutcher to lobby the City Council, the mayor's office, the Board of Elections and other bodies.
The other leading firm, Sequoia Voting Systems, Inc., paid about $172,000 to lobbyists between 1999 and 2005.
But insiders at the Board of Elections, including several eyewitnesses, say the choice is being influenced by two political fixers, Queens Republican John Haggerty Jr. and Bronx Democrat Stanley Schlein.
Actually, the whistleblowers are people who are disgusted by the prospect of our democracy being hijacked and distorted by paid mercenaries and political cronyism - disgusted and ready to fight back.
As we all should be.