What "MAKES OUR DESIGN INVENTOR (Kevin Douglas Donahoe)" fully able and ready to "PROTECT HIS PROPERTY" all over this world (i.e. Avoid Trespass) ? Through a series of fortunate events (years of working for the court system at various levels) and a series of unfortunate events (unfair dental accidents, family members falsely accused, and the loss to divorce of his wonderful and best friend) Kevin Donahoe got more than his fair share of "court self representation". He can defend himself and his intellectual property in whatever court he needs to. Yet still the process of fairness and respect to others seem like very often Ethical and Moral behavior (like don't steal) or lets talk it out rather than SUE EACH OTHER has been burned quite well into Kevin's personality.
....there's more unfortunately, at this link.
http://tinyurl.com/ps9g9vRube Goldberg comes to mind. Foil hats too. Looks easy enough riiiiiight?
This is sort of like looking at a car wreck and not being able to turn away. Except that wouldn't be funny.