Good evening,
Well, based on the reactions of my neighbors (at two stores, the cafe, the sawmill and several phone calls), it wouldn't be hard to organize the Fly militia to fight for honest elections. The Columbia Daily Herald story has really struck a chord out here on the edge of the Great Mystery.
Equally as important, it has also taken the story onto the Associated Press wire. A little after 4:15 pm, the AP story hit. Unlike what I'm familiar with, the AP story includes links back to the original full story.
In any event, by 5:30 pm, the story was showing up on the web-sites of three TV stations -- WSMV (4) in Nashville and two in Memphis (including the Fox affiliate).
By 7:00 pm, it was on two more, one of them in Knoxville.
By 7:50 pm, it was on the USA Today web-site (!!)
I don't know if the stories were read on the evening news but I suspect so in at least some of these markets. I will check again before I go to bed to see where we are. My expectation is that the story will be in many papers tomorrow.
Here's the link to the full story: really appreciate how the Columbia Daily Herald tagged this link (with "01ellis" on the end). It shows they expect to do some follow-up stories.
In any event, it beats how a Knoxville TV station tagged the short AP story:,0,2741240.s...
Oh well, in 12 hours I've gone from a "terrorist" to a "disgruntled activist". I guess that's movement in the right direction.
Good night, all y'all. If we never stop (being media whores) for election integrity, we cannot lose.