"a bipartisan group of election administrators, former elected officials, campaign professionals and experts on voting and elections – to inform the discussion and encourage the modernization of our current voter registration system."
Marc E. Elias
Trevor Potter
Doug Chapin
Director of Election Initiatives for the Pew Center on the States, a division of the Pew Charitable Trusts
Pedro A. Cortés
Pennsylvania Secretary of State
Matthew M. Damschroder
Deputy Director, Franklin County Board of Elections
John C. Danforth
Former U.S. Senator, Missouri
Thomas A. Daschle
Former Majority Leader and U.S. Senator, South Dakota
Harold E. Ford, Jr.
Former U.S. Representative, Tennessee
Dean C. Logan
Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder / County Clerk
Thomas E. Mann
The Brookings Institution
Susan Molinari
Former U.S. Representative, New York
Ralph Munro
Former Washington Secretary of State
Norman J. Ornstein
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research