Velvet Revolution leads a network of groups (see list below) calling on Diebold/Premier to return over 100 Million Dollars in taxpayer funds paid for its failed, faulty voting systems.
We're also calling on Secretary of State Debra Bowen to throw Diebold out of the state permanently, and for California Attorney General Jerry Brown to investigate criminal fraud charges if Diebold does not give California a full refund within 90 days.
You can send an email in support of this campaign from the campaign website:
Last spring, a
study by Bowen's office revealed that Diebold's voting systems ALL do one or more of the following:
* delete ballots without notice
* allow the "permanent" audit log records to be deleted
* fail to properly record deletion of ballots
* insert incorrect time stamps on audit log items.
Yet Diebold falsely claimed to meet all federal voting system standards. Bowen's office decertified the version of their software found by election integrity advocates in Humboldt County to have deleted an entire deck of voted ballots last year. But current systems still in operation fail to meet even meager federal standards.
In other words, Diebold has defrauded Californians out of over $100 million dollars. WE WANT OUR MONEY BACK!
Join us at
DieboldReturnOurMoney.comand on Facebook at
our fan page.
List of sponsoring groups:
After Downing Street
Black Box
Citizens for Legitimate Government
Election Defense Alliance
The Free Press
Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic Revolution
Progressive Democrats of America
Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles
Progresive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains
Protect California Ballots
Ruckus Society
SavElections Monterey County
True Vote
Velvet Revolution