The Logic of Voting WREK radio show (podcast) Dec. 23th noon-1pm Tennessee election integrity activist Bernie Ellis, who joined us previously to talk about how high tech voting machines aren't always the best solution, returns to our show. He will provide us with an update on what is going on in Tennessee regarding this important issue -- it is a very chilling story.
Good afternoon, all y'all. It has been a while since I've started an OP in ER, but this is one I would like to share -- and to solicit reactions from all you seasoned ER/DU election integrity stratergians who still frequent this place.
Most of you are at least a little aware of the five year effort (!?!@?!) in Tennessee to scrap DREs and replace them with paper ballots, opscan and random manual audits. Our Tennessee Voter Confidence Act (which passed 92-3 in the House and 32-0 in the Senate in late 2007) is a good model bill and we were proud of it. We were not happy, though, that its implementation was delayed until 2010.
When (to our immediate chagrin and now with ever-increasing suspicions), the Rethugs took control of our legislature for the first time in 140 years (by winning every open seat in the midst of the great 2008 blue tidal wave -- yeah, right), they immediately announced that they intended to repeal or amend the bill, and to by all means postpone its implementation until 2012, thus leaving their red-tinged machines in place for the pivotal 2010 elections.
This battle continues to rage and the positions (and the stakes) could not be more clear. We are in the fight of our (democratic) lives in Tennessee right now, with a far-reich wing election fraud enabling "dream team" in place who continue to defy the will of the people, the legislature, the Governor and the courts -- and insist on conducting at least one more unsafe election in our state.
With that as background, I was asked to participate in an hour-long interview (conducted by two Georgia Tech professors -- one of them in Computer Engineering) on where things are in Tennessee right now. The hosts really did their background reading and asked a number of very probing (and pointed) questions throughout -- political, technical and otherwise. I was given the chance to say where we are (and how surreal that really is right now), and it was most appreciated.
The hosts of WREK's "Inside the Black Box" program have uploaded the interview to their web-site now. It is a big file ('cause it's an hour of talking about honest elections amongst three Southerners) but I hope at least a few DUers will tune in and give a listen to some or all of it. If you do, let me know what 'cha think.
As soon as the program was in the can, the Ga Tech profs burned copies and sent them to Senator Al Franken, TN Governor Phil Bredesen, the entire TN Congressional delegation, Congressman Rush Holt, Jon Stewart, Amy Goodman, Rachel Maddow ...... and Oprah.
We'll see ...
So gather around your radios (or their virtual equivalent) and listen to tales of the build-up to the second Battle of Athens that is happening right now in Tennessee, a state that was once known for expanding the franchise (women's suffrage, Baker v. Carr) and a state that is now known for the goose-stepping, DRE-hugging, red-stained Rethug flying monkeys who have taken a hold of our democracy by the throat ...
... and who need to be stopped.
For that reason, I also asked the GA Tech profs to send the hour-long program to the Voting Rights division of the US Department of Justice.
We'll see.
If we never stop fighting, ....
Peace out.