I'm back. My laptop was a useless brick for the past several days so I am WAY behind on the voting news. BUT there's plenty in here today! Please enjoy. Missed y'all but had a great time away.
March 29 2010 WVA officials tout the use of "multiple keyholders" as making the state's military internet voting pilot safer: "The county will be given a passcode to access voter information," Harris said. "But it will take multiple keyholders to get to the information. This will prevent one person from having access." WV officials must have missed reading about the Clay Co KY vote buying (like a co-op) scandal involving high level officials. In Clay County KY, "candidates banded together in slates and pooled their money to buy votes, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in some elections, witnesses said."...Must see: Dr. Andrew Appel's presentation at the internet voting debate in Germany,on YouTube...Hawaii picks voting machines finally...
All this and more in today's voting news below....
CO: Aspen's Marks asks judge to reconsider (make ballot images public-case)
http://bit.ly/9RrfEg...Marks argues that the court has interpreted the constitution's requirement for secrecy in voting inappropriately. The motion contends that the ballot itself is not secret, but rather, it is anonymous.
CO: Dump IRV (about lawsuit against Aspen activist who sought ballot images)
by John Busch, Aspen Daily News Columnist
http://www.aspendailynews.com/section/columnist/139863 I have always been a little uncomfortable with the law about frivolous lawsuits. It’s coming into play locally as the city of Aspen seeks reimbursement of legal costs resulting from Marilyn Marks suit to force the city to provide her with photocopies of ballots cast in last May’s election...
It certainly discourages use of our legal system as remedy to injustice.
CO: City looks to profit from citizen activist temporary loss in court
http://aspenelectionreview.blogspot.com/2010/03/city-looks-to-profit-from-citizen.html CO: Aspen asks judge for $70K in legal fees in Marks suit
http://bit.ly/aWBPt3 Local government claims lawsuit over May election ballot images was ‘vexatious'
DC: DC to replace electronic voting machines (iVotronics w/paper on reel)
http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/breaking/dc-to-replace-electronic-voting-machines-89049127.html Voters can choose to fill out a paper ballot or vote on the machines.
FL: Candidate who lost challenges Davie election
http://bit.ly/akDQth Failed Davie Town Council candidate Freda Stevens has ...alleging her opponent went to the polls and harassed and intimidated African-American voters.
The lawsuit, filed Friday in Broward Circuit Court, accuses election winner Caryl Casey Hattan, the town, Broward Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes and the Broward County Canvassing Board of misconduct, fraud and corruption in violation of state law.
HI: State selects Texas firm to supply voting machines
Chief Election Officer Scott Nago says Hart InterCivic of Austin has signed a $389,000 contract to provide about 350,000 ballots and envelopes, as well as electronic voting machines and counters for the all-mail special election.
IL: Champaign County Facility Costs
http://blog.champaigncountyclerk.com/2010/03/29/champaign-county-facility-costs/ Looking at the facility costs related to voter registration for election authorities in Oregon and comparing it to Champaign County leaves one wondering.
: Clay County, KY Election Officials Found Guilty of Election Fraud, Vote Buying Convicted high-ranking officials include a circuit court judge, county clerk and school superintendent. Each face up to 20 years in broad conspiracy that included manipulation of electronic voting machines...
FULL STORY: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=7765
KY: Jury convicts all 8 defendants in Clay vote-buying case
Some of the most powerful public officials in Clay County corrupted elections in recent years, buying and stealing votes in pursuit of power and money, a federal jury ruled Thursday.
KY: Memo to Rand Paul: NOW is a Good Time to Fight for Election Integrity in KY's GOP U.S. Senate Primary http://www.bradblog.com/?p=7770
NY: Nassau County Files Suit Against NYS Over ERMA
OH: DIRECTIVE FROM BRUNNER - Crossover voters to be challenged
Ohio voters who want to switch political parties in the May 4 primary must be challenged and must sign a form saying they support the party's principles, according to a new directive from Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner.
OH: Election officials have plan to correct e-ballot error
The Board would lease the mini-computers, called ExpressPoll-5000s, from Premier Election Solutions for $26,706 a year for three years.
TX: Missing primary votes discovered; 182 ballots will be added to totals *
Two overlooked memory cards that contained the ballots of 182 voters were discovered on Thursday and will be added to the Bee County primary vote totals Monday.
TX: Justice Department upholds Dallas County voting machines
on the electronic machines, if a straight-party is selected and then the voter punches a particular candidate in that party, the machine deselects the candidate.
TX: Boerne election change may face new challenge (ends cumulative voting)
Denied satisfaction in state court here and in federal court in San Antonio, a local man challenging the city's switch this May to electing City Council members by districts plans to take his argument to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
LULAC and city leaders agreed in December to begin seating council members from five districts after seeing only one Hispanic elected under cumulative voting...
WI: Report: 70,000 Wisconsin Voters Still Don't Match
A Government Accountability Board report says the voters' names, driver's license numbers, Social Security numbers and birth dates differ from those contained in other databases.
Internet voting watch
Internet Voting: The Great Debate
Summit 2010 - Andrew Appel on Internet Voting
8:23 Prof. Appel - Internet Voting Debate - Part 1 of 3:
7:35 Prof. Appel - Internet Voting Debate - Part 2 of 3:
7:53 Prof. Appel - Internet Voting Debate - Part 3 of 3:
Dr. Appel's presentation is available for download here (pdf)http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~appel/voting/internet-voting-debate-annotated.pdf
WV: Online Voting Scheduled for May Primaries (internet voting pilot for troops)
...Once the voter applies, they will be sent an e-mail with instructions to a secure Web site, where they then will be able to cast their vote.
For WV Sec of State there is no Internet Voting "debate" (SOS went to Germany for UOCAVA summit but was MIA for the debate)
EAC is accepting comments on the UOCAVA Pilot Program Testing Requirements until 4:00p.m. on April 9, 2010. Go here to review the document and instructions on how to submit a comment. http://www.eac.gov/blog-postings/comment-on-the-uocava-pilot-program-testing-requirements
White House Nominates Thomas Hicks to the Election Assistance Commission http://is.gd/b2jZ0
Brad Friedman on Russian TV to Discuss ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax
U.S. TV Doesn't Seem Interested…
FULL STORY, VIDEOS: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=7763
Pew Report Loaded with Inconsistencies
Published by Champaign County Clerk
As I’ve chatted with Oregon election officials about the Pew report on voter registration costs, one thing is clear. The numbers in the Pew for their report were solicited with little guidance and compiled in many instances as estimates.Voting News Archives here at
http://votingnews.blogspot.com/ Subscribe to Voting News at this link:
http://tinyurl.com/votingnews To assist with Daily Voting News, please send links to news articles to us at votingnews@earthlink.net