Federal grand jury indicts 4 in Perry Co KY vote buying...Inventory of Cumberland Co TN voting equipment reveals that one voting machine, three card readers and 12 tally cards were missing. They don't say when that equipment disappeared...A recent FOIA on South Carolina's absentee ballots raises more questions about the results of the US Sen. Dem Primary...Think internet voting is a good idea? There's a new internet worm that targets systems such as oil rigs, refineries, electronics production...
All this and more in today's voting news below...
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CA: Math professor: top two primary is flawed
http://www.independentpoliticalreport.com/2010/07/california-math-professor-top-two-primary-is-flawed/CO: Ballot TRACE glitch sends Denver voters wrong message*
http://www.denverpost.com/election2010/ci_15582318On Wednesday night, a glitch caused the wrong message to go out to 177 of the 233 people signed up. Somehow, data were transposed in the system, which caused the wrong messages
to go out, said Denver Election Commission spokesman Alton Dillard.
CO: Aspen calling for ballot questions for Nov special election
http://www.aspenpitkin.com/Portals/0/docs/City/clerk/council/cc.res.055-10.pdfa Charter amendment on how to conduct regular municipal elections. The deadline for ballot questions to be submitted to the Pitkin County Clerk is 4 pm September 3 Councils last regular meeting before that deadline is August 23
CT: The Day, Susan Bysiewicz, and we agree: No IRV for New London
http://www.ctvoterscount.org/the-day-susan-bysiewicz-and-we-agree-no-irv-for-new-london/KS: Few voting-fraud cases found in state
http://topstorieswichita.com/news/few-voting-fraud-cases-found-in-state/KY: Federal grand jury indicts 4 in Perry vote buying case
http://hazard-herald.com/view/full_story/8864456/article-Federal-grand-jury-indicts-4-in-Perry-vote-buying-case? Pearl Combs, Jr., Michael Ray Combs, Lewis “Cuz” Baker and Charles Marvin Herald have all been charged with unlawfully paying or offering to pay for voting in an election held in part to select a candidate for an office seat in the United States Senate.
MI: New law enables military, overseas civilians to vote
http://www.hometownlife.com/article/20100725/NEWS06/7250424Most importantly, military and overseas civilian voters can now receive a ballot by e-mail or fax to speed the voting process. (The voted ballot must be returned by mail for security purposes.)
MN: Our view: Don’t let a few decide election for us all
http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/174588/group/Opinion/MN: Minn. governor joins debate over alleged 'voter fraud'
http://www.scrippsnews.com/content/minn-governor-joins-debate-over-alleged-voter-fraudMN: Mike Dean: Felon-voting flap is a partisan distraction from bigger issues
http://www.twincities.com/opinion/ci_15569558?nclick_check=1The fact is that election officials have long needed better access to the Department of Corrections database so that they could verify whether someone is a felon. Thanks to legislation passed earlier this year, election officials can now properly flag possible felons to be challenged if they attempt to vote.
But having access to this database solves only part of the problem; many felons are not provided with the basic information regarding the status of their voting rights. Felons who have not had their voting rights restored may inadvertently vote because they were never told that their voting rights were taken away.
NY: ADA compliance was money well spent, officials say
http://www.stargazette.com/article/20100724/NEWS01/7240356/ADA-compliance-was-money-well-spent-officials-sayNT: Attorney General Candidate Failed to Vote for 18 Years
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/25/nyregion/25rice.html?_r=1NY: Leaders disband county party
NO PETITIONS FILED: Independence chiefs feeling 'disillusioned'
http://www.watertowndailytimes.com/article/20100724/NEWS03/307249961/-1/newsSC: South Carolina Proves Statewide Unverifiable Voting Cannot Be Trusted
http://www.opednews.com/articles/South-Carolina-Proves-Stat-by-Garland-Favorito-100724-239.html Alvin Greene was declared the winner based on a near landslide 60-40% margin in Election Day electronic voting results. However Vic Rawl actually won the mail-in paper ballot absentee voting by a solid 55-45% margin. The near 30% total point differential among the two candidates is unheard of in South Carolina election history and perhaps, nationally as well.
TN: Election commission to move voting machines to main office* (microvote DREs)
Commission to ask for use of old library building(Lost voting machine & memory cards)
http://crossville-chronicle.com/local/x1896331391/Election-commission-to-move-voting-machines-to-main-office ...Cumberland County... Election Commission Chairman Calvin Smart recommended the voting machines be moved from the Community Complex to the election commission's office for a "more secure" location.
Smart reported that after inventory was taken on the equipment it revealed that one machine was missing, three card readers were missing and 12 tally cards were missing.
WI: Inflammatory Language Rejected From Wisc. Ballot
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/07/24/politics/main6709122.shtml Independent Candidate for State Assembly Fights to Use Slogan "Not the Whiteman's Bitch" on Ballot
Internet Voting Watch
Schneier on Security - Internet Worm Targets SCADA
http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2010/07/internet_worm_t.htmlStuxnet is a new Internet worm that specifically targets Siemens WinCC SCADA systems: used to control production at industrial plants such as oil rigs, refineries, electronics production, and so on.
can i still vote if my voter registration says inactive?
http://www.where-do-i.info/can-i-still-vote-if-my-voter-registration-says-inactive/10 States Add Campaign Finance Laws
After Supreme Court's Citizens United Ruling, Disclose Act Stalled in the Senate
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/campaign-finance-laws-emerge-states-disclose-act-stalled/story?id=11234998&page=1Remembering the Women Who Brought Us the Vote
http://www.opednews.com/articles/Remembering-the-Women-Who-by-Elayne-Clift-100724-707.html ...stories of the 168 women who went to prison simply because they wanted to be counted as full-fledged citizens of the country in which they'd been born. Here are some of those first-hand accounts...
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