(OMG! You mean there's MORE?)
Fear New Machines Will Confuse Voters
Electronic Scanners Replace Levers at N.Y. Polls Next Month
"The new overvote procedure that New York has adopted on these new machines will disenfranchise minority voters and especially African-American voters at far higher rates than white voters," said Wendy Weiser, an attorney at the Brennan Center, citing voting statistics from Florida.
Ms. Weiser said she's noticed very little education efforts about the new machines, and she added, "I am very skeptical any education program can adequately address the overvote problem, which is
one of the things that can happen with the machines."-snip-
Last week, Councilwoman Gale Brewer, chairwoman of the City Council committee on governmental operations, and 31 other council members sent a letter to the state Board of Elections calling the machines handling of the overvote "substandard and misleading."