The interview also pulls up the covers on a part of the massive new war on voting that has already started just as it happened in 04 (enabling Dim Sun to defeat "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" Kerry). It's not clear that much has been learned or that anything will be done by Holder to prevent the vote caging etc. etc. etc. etc. that is already being planned or is already being carried out around the country.
Here's Brad's intro followed by the link to the interview:
During my weekly gig this afternoon from 3-4p PT (6p-7p ET) on L.A.'s Pacifica Radio affiliate KPFK with Harrison, I'll be interviewing Bev Harris of about the "massive improprieties" she's been uncovering from Shelby County (Memphis), TN's August 5th election. We detailed some of the alarming points coming out of that election, where ten candidates have now filed suit, a few weeks ago here, and Harris has a more recent update --- including on the "3,221 more votes than voters" discovered "in large Republican precincts" --- now posted here.
We'll also be discussing other recent Assaults on Democracy (see my piece earlier today for example). So I hope you'll tune in and/or call in!
KPFK is heard on air at 90.7 FM in L.A., on 98.7 FM in Santa Barbara and coast-to-coast and around the globe via
Some disturbing information on the Memphis Mess from Harris on the show today. And a bit of an exclusive about the FAIL of one of the excuses given by Shelby County officials for the reason that thousands of voters were turned away from the polls, having been told they already voted (when they hadn't). That, and more on the GOP's freshly cranked up War on Voting.