Elsewhere on DU, BradBlog has posted a story about DREs flipping votes from R to D in North Carolina. I responded there with a quick response (basically what follows). But in honor of this place, I thought I'd re-post and extend my comments a bit here at ER/DU.
On this Sunday morning, I fear for our future here in Tennessee. I hope it is not mirrored in too many places in two weeks, or we can kiss this country good-bye.
Here's Brad's OP:
My (expanded) response:
In Tennessee (and in too many other states), the reich-wing inmates have taken control of the asylum (and our unverifiable voting process). And they intend to elect an entire "flying monkey" slate wherever they can.
You know who I'm talking about -- the Momma grizzlys and the Glen Beck wannabes. Modern-day Rethugs are led by hairy women and hysterical men. (No wonder they want to carry guns to bed.)
If the voting machines in Memphis, TN (MEMPHIS, TN, for krissake!) can elect an ENTIRELY REPUBLICAN slate of local officials in August and get away with it, then the only way we are ever going to win another election here in Tennessee, in the home of Andrew Jackson, is to hack these machines ourselves ....
... or to implement the alternate option -- another Battle of Athens. (.)
Seriously, folks. Absent a federal DOJ investigation and prosecution of the obvious suspects (who are laughing out-loud at us here now), we have lost democracy in Tennessee. Do not believe what our upcoming elections appear to tell you about our state's politics. Believe me, the people will have little role in that foreordained outcome, now or on November 2.
(In sad fact, do not believe what our elections have told you about Tennessee for a while now. The more that I have learned about our elections here, the more I have come to believe that they have been gamed electronically here for at least a dozen years.)
Before I end, I must issue the classic defense (and the only thing Dick Nixon ever said that I have ever quoted): "... but that would be wrong." I have no desire whatsoever to hack any voting machine or any election process, or to be involved with any political party (aka criminal conspiracy) that condones and commits that treason. After all, I AM AN AMERICAN.
But we are screwed if we allow the three-card monty circus that poses as our election process to continue. Another minute. (Unless, that is, you are content to substitute animal acts and loud carny barkers for your country.)
Now you can agree with me or you can try to talk me off the ledge this morning. But, out here in my Tennessee deep hollow home, that's how things look to me.
What say you?