Oct 29 2010USA Today: A Decade After Florida Fiasco,Voting Remains a Hodgepodge...Paperless e-voting a concern this election..Nearly 1 in 4 voters in Tuesday's elections will use e-voting systems with no paper records..Voters in Connecticut & New Hampshire beware of bogus online ballots...N.Carolina's GOP Party filed suit in fed court over touch-screen vote flipping...Internet voting 'an electronic disaster' in Stratford, Canada..If you have problems voting, call or tweet 866-OUR-VOTE...
All this and more in today's voting news below...
CA: Ten Great Online Resources for California Voters
http://kimalex.blogspot.com/2010/10/ten-great-online-resources-for.htmlCA: Fresno County ballots use wrong language for Prop. 23
http://blogs.sacbee.com/capitolalertlatest/2010/10/prop-23-campaign-some-absentee.html Hundreds of thousands of ballots printed in Fresno County use an incorrect ballot label to describe a statewide proposition to suspend the state's greenhouse gas emissions law, election officials confirmed today.
CA: Investigators probe possible voter fraud; victim contacted again*
http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/news_politics/2010/10/absentee-voting-even-when-he-doesnt-want-to.html BAKERSFIELD, Calif. -- A voter who says she was talked out of her mail-in ballot says she was contacted again. Meanwhile, investigators are probing the case of possible voter fraud.
The victim said teenagers came to her home on Tuesday, saying their "boss" sent them to pick up ballots.
CA: City May Experiment with an all Vote-By-Mail Election to Increase Voter Turnout
http://laist.com/2010/10/29/city_may_experiment_with_an_all_vot.phpCT: Warning: NO Internet Voting In CT – A Scam or just misleading calls to voters?
http://www.ctvoterscount.org/warning-no-internet-voting-in-ct-scam-or-just-misleading-calls-to-voters/ “People have been stopping into the office to express concern over telephone calls that they’ve received in which they are directd
to a web site where they believe they’re being told they can vote online,” Weber told Patch.
GA: Debate over Georgia’s paperless e-voting process continues
IL: Top Official Says DOJ Prepared To Sue States Over MOVE Act Even After Election Day, Takes Aim At IL GOP
IL: Some overseas, military absentee voters get extension to return ballots
KS: Kobach, Biggs spar over voter registration records
Kansas election officials cast doubt Thursday on Republican Kris Kobach’s claim to have evidence of possible voter fraud,
MD: Federal District Court in Maryland rules that rights of military voters to have their votes counted trumps Nov 12 ballot receipt deadline
MN: Anti-Voter Fraud Group Sues Over 'I.D. Me' Button Ban
NC: NC GOP sues election board over voting machines
http://www.wcnc.com/news/local/NC-GOP-sues-election-board-over-voting-machines-106308978.html Republican Party officials say they have heard problems in a number of counties. They are demanding that election officials provide notice to all voters about problems, preserve all data and track all complaints.
NC GOP Files Suit Over 'Widespread' Touch-screen Failures, Votes Flipping to Dems
GOP attorney: ES&S iVotronic 'systems should have been banned'
http://www.bradblog.com/?p=8158 Officials: Just 'isolated' probs, 'no different than every election'...
NC: Craven County GOP Wants Answers
Wants_Answers_106192848.html http://tinyurl.com/37v9m6n The Craven County Republican Party continues to express concern over touch-screen voting machines and the action taken against two poll workers who spoke to WITN.
NC: Board of Elections decides how to count instant runoff votes
NC: Spreadsheet will tally instant runoff votes
NY: Flawed New York ballot could baffle voters, expert says
The instructions tell voters to fill in the oval above the name of the candidate they want to vote for.
“Unfortunately, if they want to vote for a candidate, they should be filling in the oval just below the candidate’s name, not above it,” said Lawrence Norden, senior counsel at the center.
NH: Voters warned about bogus online ballots
http://www.nashuatelegraph.com/newsstatenewengland/893400-227/voters-warned-about-bogus-online-ballots.html it is impossible to vote online in New Hampshire, and officials are investigating the complaints as a potential effort to suppress votes, by tricking people into thinking they have already voted,
NY: Tweet your election day complaints
Get on twitter or call 311
NM: Law Enforcement Authorities Investigate Potential Voter Registration Fraud In Dona Ana County http://www.kfoxtv.com/news/25556179/detail.html
NV: Audit resolves voting irregularity questions
County registrar calls allegations of voter fraud 'unjustified'
McDonald's workers complain about GOP handbills with their paychecks
PA: Bucks election board to hear GOP allegations of absentee-voter fraud by Democrats
http://www.philly.com/inquirer/local/pa/20101028_Bucks_ election_ board_to_hear_GOP_allegations_of_absentee-voter_ fraud_by_Democrats.html http://tinyurl.com/36656sf Board of Elections Director Deena Dean said her office was inundated last week with more than 100 calls from voters saying they were confused about a Democratic mailing they had received. The mailing, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee, told recipients that their "participation in the forthcoming election may be placed in jeopardy" if they did not return an enclosed application for an absentee ballot.
TX: Fake flier causes confusion among local voters*
The fliers start out by saying "Republicans are trying to trick us" and goes on to urge voters not to vote a straight Democratic ticket. It also says a single vote for Bill White is a vote for the entire Democratic ticket.
TX: Tensions rise between voters and poll watchers in mid-term election (video)
http://www.khou.com/news/Tensions-rise-between-voters-and-poll-watchers-in-mid-term-election-106150849.html The 59 formal complaints prompted the district attorney’s office to issue a bulletin urging polling stations to use tape to mark off just how close a poll watcher can get when a voter has asked for assistance.
TN: 25 Prisoners Escorted To Election Office To Vote After Slipup
Sheriff Jim Hammond said normally the election office sends a deputy to the jail and workhouse to vote those who are eligible to vote and who want to cast ballots.
VA: Beer for votes?
A Virginia Democratic organization appears to have violated federal election law by offering free beer to voters
VA: Va. State Board of Elections: Computer problems won't affect voters
/virginia_state_board_of_electi.html http://tinyurl.com/34gzkqe
The Virginia State Board of Elections is trying to assure voters that recent computer issues that have caused computers to run slowly for local registrars will not affect Tuesday's vote.
Internet Voting Watch
Canada: Stratford. E-voting an electronic disaster*
..when I tried to vote, after dinner, between 7 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., before having to run to my son's hockey practice, I was met with a broken system.By broken I mean not usable by the public. The numerous times I tried I was met with timeouts waiting for the next response, broken image links and errors. I would estimate that I was met with some sort of error at least a dozen times.
Voting Problem? Call or tweet
Beware: Elections Ahead! -- Who Is Counting Your Vote?
Great You Tube Video - round up of experts from A-Z, from white hat hacker Chuck Herrin to Professor Halderman of DC internet vote hack. Share with your friends.
5 Reasons to Be Wary of Voting Materials That Come in the Mail
Time and again, mailers produced by political parties and partisan groups have been arriving to election officials with errors that will prevent you from casting your vote in this fall’s election - or they’re not showing up at all.
USA Today: A Decade After Florida Fiasco, Voting Remains a Hodgepodge
http://blog.verifiedvoting.org/2010/10/29/1219 So where does the art of vote-counting stand a decade after the mother of all foul-ups, the Florida recount that left the nation without a president-elect for five weeks after the 2000 election?
Paperless e-voting a concern this election, say watchdogs
voting_a_concern_ this_ election_say_watchdogs http://tinyurl.com/2bwmeso Nearly one in four voters in Tuesday's elections will use e-voting systems with no paper records
Overseas voters rock the vote with online tools
Systems give absentee voters access to ballots, while stopping short of online voting
http://gcn.com/articles/2010/11/01/overseas-voting.aspx Overseas voters rock the vote with online tools: “In the last year, we have seen more progress in overseas and military voting than in the last five decades,” said Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat,President & CEO,Overseas Vote Foundation...
Overseas voting measures aim for the local level
Efforts are under way to extend MOVE Act requirements to state and local elections
Election Defense Alliance's Jonathan Simon with the Timely Lowdown on Our Elections
Part Two: Election Defense Alliance's Jonathan Simon with the Timely Lowdown on Our Elections http://www.opednews.com/articles/Part-Two-Election-Defense-by-Joan-Brunwasser-101028-687.htmlVoting News
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