Federal Judge Rules in Favor of NC GOP in Touch-Screen Vote Flipping Complaint. NCGOP atty Tom Farr:
..Will N.Mexico voter reg database crash on election day?.....Video "Vote on Paper" 'its not a conspiracy theory, its just plain science.'...Voting Probs? Call 1-866-OUR-VOTE...
All this and more in today's voting news below...
You can help by emailing news articles we might otherwise miss. Voting news is compiled by checking google alerts, blogs, list serves, and search engines. Your emails help, especially during general election season. Thanks!
AK: Suit filed in federal court over election write-in list
A federal lawsuit has been filed on behalf of four Alaska voters over the state's providing a list of write-in candidates to voters.
http://www.thenewstribune.com/2010/10/30/1403087/federal-suit-filed-over-write.htmlThe lawsuit alleges that in providing lists, the state has changed its rules for holding elections and did so without receiving the required approval of the U.S. Department of Justice.
MD: State ordered to extend overseas ballot deadline
http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/news/local/politics/2010/10/state_ordered_to_extend_overse.html Judge Roger Titus issued an order Friday extending the deadline from Nov. 12 to Nov. 22.
NC: Judge rules in favor of GOP over touchscreen voting (must see video interview )
http://triangle.news14.com/content/632096/state-gop-sues-election-board-over-voting-machines/ RALEIGH—Saturday afternoon a federal judge ruled in favor of the state Republican party over the lawsuit filed in complaint of touchscreen voting machines.
NC: Secret donor money floods 4 N.C. races
http://www.newsobserver.com/2010/10/30/769911/conservative-money-floods-4-nc.htmlNM: Glitch disrupts early voting* (statewide voter reg database overloaded)
http://www.alamogordonews.com/alamogordo-news/ci_16452761SANTA FE - County elections officials complained Wednesday of problems with New Mexico's voter registration computer system, saying it has disrupted early voting at some locations across the state and continues to delay the preparation of voter turnout reports.
County clerks worry that they'll have trouble preparing voter sign-in rosters for Tuesday's general election if the secretary of state's office doesn't resolve the computer problems.
"The slowdowns have been creating a problem every day," said Curry County Clerk Coni Jo Lyman. "It's been absolutely a nightmare."
NY: Election workers brace for glitches with optical-scan voting machines
http://www.lohud.com/article/20101031/NEWS02/10310414/Election-workers-brace-for-glitches-with-optical-scan-voting-machines After a shaky trial run in the primaries, the state's new optical-scan voting machines will get a full workout in Tuesday's general elections (comprehensive article w/previous coverage & how to vote)
NY: Quirk in N.Y.'s new voting system may hurt third parties
http://www.lohud.com/article/20101031/NEWS05/10310400/-1/NEWSFRONT/Quirk-in-N.Y.-s-new-voting-system-may-hurt-third-partiesPA: Committee of 70 pushes city to extend absentee ballot deadline because of voting problems
http://citypaper.net/blogs/clog/2010/10/30/committee-of-70-pushes-city-to-extend-ballot-deadline-because-of-voting-problems/ Philiadelphia... several local voters have gotten their absentee ballots mailed back to them, instead of sent to the Board of Elections.
The problem is, the deadline for absentee ballots has already passed: It was 5 p.m. on Friday, and so the Committee is worried that these people's votes won't be counted because of what is believed to be an innocent postal service error.
TX: PARALLEL ELECTION VENUE 11/2: City Hall Plaza! + Final Training Opp
http://tinyurl.com/2wklncn OUR FINAL TRAINING for volunteers with the "Citizens Parallel Election" and the "Citizens Pilot Hand Count" will take place THIS COMING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30th, from 1 p.m. til 3 p.m. at Lyons Gardens Senior Housing and Community Center, 2720 Lyons Rd., Austin, TX 78702.
WA: Son can’t find dad’s name on the ballot* (online ballot prob fixed by Friday)
http://www.wenatcheeworld.com/news/2010/oct/30/son-cant-find-dads-name-on-the-ballot/OKANOGAN — Stephen Rawson, an Okanogan County resident who was deployed with the U.S. Navy and away from his duty station, was hoping to vote for his dad in the Nov. 2 election.
But when he went online and downloaded his ballot on Thursday, his father’s name, Henry “Hank” Rawson, was nowhere to be found. Neither was his father’s opponent, Rick Weber. Both are running for Okanogan County District Court Judge, Position 2.
Officials say the glitch in the new online replacement ballot system was likely isolated to this single incident and this single county.
Murphy said the problem was that the Okanogan County District Court judge races weren’t entered in her system for all precincts in Okanogan County.
Internet Voting Watch
DC: Hacked Voting System Stored Accessible Password, Encryption Key
http://hideipology.com/hacked-voting-system-stored-accessible-password-encryption-key/ The hack, unnoticed by election officials until researchers notified them, forced election officials to take the system offline and adopt a contingency plan for the November elections
The hack left lots of traces that an intrusion detection system should have caught.
OurVoteLive.org is a website that logs and organizes election-related problems and inquiries across the USA
http://www.ourvotelive.org/ Have a voting problem or inquiry? Call 866-OUR-VOTE today. So far, this site has processed 384 reports for the 2010 General Election since October 26.
Election Protection Coalition
http://www.866ourvote.org/ Get help, report problems online, by phone or via twitter.
Justice Department to Monitor Polls in 18 States on Election Day
http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2010/October/10-crt-1235.htmlIn the days leading up to and throughout Election Day, Civil Rights Division staff members will be available at a special toll-free number to receive complaints related to ballot access (1-800-253-3931) (TTY line 1-877-267-8971)...individuals may also report complaints, problems or concerns related to voting via the Internet.
BRAD BLOG Animated Video: "Vote on Paper" 'its not a conspiracy theory, its just plain science.'
http://www.bradblog.com/?p=8163 LA & SC: E-Voting Concerns Overblown, Officials Say
http://findtechnews.net/e-voting-concerns-overblown-officials-say/ Next step after 'Citizens United': corporate candidates(Murray Hill Inc for congress)
http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1010/44388.htmlWhy shouldn’t corporations be allowed to run for office?
That’s the idea behind our candidate, Murray Hill Inc., the first corporation to run for Congress.
First, there’s transparency. With a corporation, what you see is what you’ll get. There is no ambiguity over how a corporate member of Congress will vote: It will always be in support of their shareholders’ interests.
Watchdog Groups Call For Appointment Of A Special Prosecutor To Investigate The Use Of Secret Money To Influence Elections
http://protectourelections.org/index.php?q=node/59Editorial: Court opened up floodgates with its campaign ad decision
http://www.sacbee.com/2010/10/31/3144372/court-opened-up-floodgates-with.htmlthis year, there has been an alarming development: attacks funded by corporations that hide behind the skirt of federal tax codes that govern nonprofit advocacy groups.
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