... then consider this thread an opportunity to say it by logging on and making comments at one or both of these Nashville Scene blog threads.
"If Gandhi were a Democrat, Could He Get Elected in Tennessee?"
http://www.nashvillescene.com/pitw/archives/2010/11/03/if-gandhi-were-a-tennessee-democrat-would-he-lose-too"Democratic Underground: Election Integrity? What Election Integrity?"
http://www.nashvillescene.com/pitw/archives/2010/11/04/democratic-underground-election-integrity-what-election-integrityIf you haven't visited them so far, you'll see that (as usual) I am carrying on a no-holds-barred debate with a "pro-vapor ballot" borg, this time with Mark Rogers, one of the new Republican election commissioners. I am obviously laying out the evidence stream for our current untrustworthy (and, for the second straight time, credibility-straining) elections here in Tennessee. Mark is all over the place. Thankfully, he is articulate, an exception among the well-programmed borg we are dealing with. He also is stepping on one land mine after another.
BTW, my last post on the "Gandhi" thread has occasioned complete silence from Mark for the past 24 hours. You can draw your own conclusions there as to why. (It's likely because I called him every name I could think of, but you be the judge.)
These discussions need more voices. All of you (and I do mean all of you) can voice your same concerns in many fewer but no less eloquent and emphatic words. I am also using these on-line discussions to be a re-enlistment call for fair elections forces in Tennessee. So please comment at one or both of them, particularly if you are from the Volunteer State (home of the "Fighting Athenians"), if only to say "What part of 'fair elections' do Republicans still not understand?". Thanks in advance for your showing up and shouting for democracy on these two internets-based level playing fields. (We are running out of 'em here in my home state.)
And then ask any and every friend you've ever discussed unverifiable elections with, and the necessity for a fair and verifiable process here and everywhere else, to chime in for the "small d democracy" brand of self-governance. As if it were not painfully obvious, we are entering the era of (election fraud) excess and the tools at our disposal are getting harder to grip with gloves on.
Come join me and invite your friends -- of all political stripes -- who just want their votes to be counted (and re-counted) as they were cast.
It's either that, or we can all collectively kiss our democracy-loving posteriors good-bye.
Any questions? FBN