I don't know what this guy's agenda is, but he's transcribed part of a Seinfeld episode that might be applicable to this forum, so that's why
http://barnesworld.blogs.com/barnes_world/2006/08/seinfeld_meets_.html">I'm linking to it (and to get someone to recommend the
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=203x516808">11/11 Voting News Thread, which only has 4 Recs after almost a day on the board!):
ORGANIZER: Uh...o.k., you're checked in. Here's your AIDS ribbon.
KRAMER: Uh, no thanks.
ORGANIZER: You don't want to wear an AIDS ribbon?
ORGANIZER: But you have to wear an AIDS ribbon.
KRAMER: I have to?
KRAMER: See, that's why I don't want to.
ORGANIZER: But everyone wears the ribbon. You must wear the ribbon!
KRAMER: You know what you are? You're a ribbon bully. <Walks away.>
ORGANIZER: Hey you! Come back here! Come back here and put this on!
New scene - Kramer in the AIDS walk. Some AIDS activists accost him for failing to wear the red ribbon.
WALKER #1: Hey, where's your ribbon?
KRAMER: Oh, I don't wear the ribbon.
WALKER #2: Oh, you don't wear the ribbon? Aren't you against AIDS?
KRAMER: Yeah, I'm against AIDS. I mean, I'm walking, aren't I? I just don't wear the ribbon.
WALKER #3: Who do you think you are?
WALKER #1: Put the ribbon on!
WALKER #2: Hey, Cedric! Bob! This guy won't wear a ribbon! <Cedric and Bob turn around and glare at Kramer.>
BOB: Who? Who does not want to wear the ribbon?:grr:
<Kramer is frightened.>
New scene - Kramer surrounded by Cedric, Bob, and the other walkers.
BOB: So! What's it going to be? Are you going to wear the ribbon?
KRAMER (nervously): No! Never.
BOB: But I am wearing the ribbon. He is wearing the ribbon. We are all wearing the ribbon! So why aren't you going to wear the ribbon!?
KRAMER: This is America! I don't have to wear anything I don't want to wear!
CEDRIC: What are we gonna do with him?
BOB: I guess we are just going to have to teach him to wear the ribbon!
<Kramer tries to climb up a fire escape, but the mob grabs him and pulls him back down. Kramer screams.>
Now then:
Who does not want to recommend the 11/11 Voting News thread?::grr: