...it clearly shows that our new election system is in a state of chaos in which apparent losers of close races have to go to court to try to get hand counts, and apparent winners try to stop them.
I can't explain the apparent existence of extra ballots, but I have heard reports that scanners have eaten paper ballots
without incrementing their public or protective counters. And these ballots are single-page! Wait til they start scanning multi-page ballots!
What bothers me most is that in other close races, the Democrats have just
conceded. Is this "count every vote" or "equal protection?" I don't think so.
The bottom line is that despite the paper ballots, the new LEVERLESS voting system is so hard to verify that no one wants to do it -- not even the apparent losers of some crucial close elections!
Look what the judge in this case said:
"Do we now set a precedent of hand counting every race that's close?" (DUH!) Warshawsky also acknowledged in court that the case would be moving to the appellate division for appeals shortly.
So even the Judiciary cannot resolve this in a timely manner -- if at all.
Will they set a precedent of NOT hand counting every race that's close?:wtf:
(Bush v. Gore already set THAT one of course.)