I hope this race and the 200,000-ballot discrepancy in the City of New York will be enough to get people to wake up and realize what the State of New York has been doing to our election system.
But I also expect the usual public hearings in which partisan election officials lie and partisan legislators swear to it.
There was no real legislative oversight leading up to these elections, even though the Dems had control of both houses of the NY State Legislature and the Executive Branch, including the Attorney General -- an elected office in New York. Not to mention control of half the State Board of Elections.
All these hacks did was to circle the wagons and say how great -- no, how PERFECT! -- the new system was going to be; how the paper ballots would be "available" in case they were needed for an audit or recount; while downplaying all the obvious and less obvious ballot scanner flaws that had been discovered; and ignoring the opinions of experts such as those working for NIST who've said NOT to trust software to count votes, and experts who have studied auditing and statistics who know how many ballots need to be counted by hand to prove who really won our elections.
Now they find they can't even afford to pay their
election lawyers! And that doesn't even take into account the cost of the hand counts, if they get 'em!
So it's easier for the Democrats to CONCEDE than to "count every vote" and that's exactly what they've been doing so far.
But in Nassau County, things may be different because this county is the one that stood up and filed a BIPARTISAN LAWSUIT to STOP electronic vote-counting. That may turn out to be the REAL STORY here, regardless of who wins this race, or whether or not there's a hand count. See: