While this language may be unenforceable since there is almost always a discrepancy "between the number of voters who cast a vote in an election district and the number of votes recorded on the tabulated results tape..." due to: Undervotes, Overvotes, offices to which more than one person is to be elected, etc., the law does seem to require a thorough examination of ballots that would otherwise be counted only by computers (ballot scanners).
Since such an examination is likely to occur in EVERY election district in the state if this law is actually enforced, it's a back-door way of requiring 100% hand counts. (As if THAT'S going to happen!)
So do we have election lawyers who don't read election laws? Or is this particular law so badly written as to be interpreted as gibberish by the courts and the rest of us? Readers can decide for themselves.
In any case, I don't see anyone else bringing this up, so it must be an embarrassment for SOMEONE.
If we can't get this right, we should go back to lever machines, rather than continuing to engage in this charade.