You can view or listen to this morning's show at the following link. The transcript of the show is at this link too. voter fraud in Ukraine's election dominates the headlines, we take a look at the U.S. election and the widespread reports of voter irregularities in Ohio. We speak with the Rev. Jesse Jackson who is calling for an Ohio recount and an attorney filing a lawsuit in the Ohio Supreme Court this week to contest the election.
We turn now to election news: Democracy Now co-host Juan Gonzalez writes in today's New York Daily News:
"Voter fraud in the Ukraine? Give me a break.
"It has been a month now and we still don't have a clear count of the votes for our own presidential race from the state of Ohio.
"For those who may have forgotten, Ohio supposedly assured George W. Bush a second term in the White House - only the most important job on the planet.
"The morning after the election, we were told Bush was ahead of John Kerry in that state's unofficial count by 139,000 votes, or 2.5%.
"At the time there were 155,000 uncounted provisional ballots and an unknown number of overseas ballots, but Kerry concluded they would not produce enough of a margin to erase his deficit, so he promptly conceded.
"At the same time, given the bitter Democratic memories of the 2000 Florida fiasco, he assured his supporters he would fight to have every vote properly counted this time.
"Within a few days, other problems began to show up in Ohio's preliminary tally."
Rev. Jesse Jackson, civil rights leader. He is the founder of the Rainbow/PUSH coalition, a progressive organization fighting for social change. This past Sunday, he appeared at a rally of over 500 in Columbus to publicly endorse a presidential recount in Ohio. Jackson's Rainbow Push Coalition has now joined with the Green and Libertarian Parties in demanding the recount.
Cliff Arnebeck, public interest lawyer who is filing a lawsuit in the Ohio Supreme Court this week contesting the election. He is co-chair of the Alliance for Democracy and Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee of Common Cause in Ohio.