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Conspiracy: The Bush air crash and the Kerry pay-off

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 05:07 AM
Original message
Conspiracy: The Bush air crash and the Kerry pay-off
From LibertyThink

The Bush air crash and the Kerry pay-off

The folks at Cloak & Dagger Internet Radio are reporting that the the plane set to take Poppy Bush to Ecuador was taken down (probably via satellite weapon platform) by forces looking to prevent Director Bush from closing a deal to deliver Ecuadorian silver to an account of Teresa Heinz-Kerry's at the Mellon bank in Pittsburgh; in exchange for Kerry acquiesence to the electronic vote fraud on the November 2 election.

Supposedly, there has been some trouble transfering the previously-agreed to gold bribe from accounts in Switzerland. The delay may explain why the Kerry campaign has taken small steps recently to keep open the Ohio count.
-end snip-

The following audio interview has some information about vote fraud, the two party "duopoly" of power, and the origins of modern stolen elections in the US. The facts in this interview fit into this conspiracy theory nicely.

Interview with Victoria Collier
Victoria Collier is a journalist, environmentalist, political activist and daughter of James Collier who co-authored the book "Votescam: The Stealing of America" with his brother Kenneth Collier. Votescam, which has become an underground classic, chronicles their very shocking 20 year plus investigation into computer vote fraud in this country. Since her father and uncle's death, Victoria has been speaking around the county, continuing to educate Americans about the vulnerability and easy rigging of computer voting machines -- and the necessity to return to paper ballots.
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JohnnyCougar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 05:10 AM
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1. .
:tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat: :tinfoilhat:
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Carolab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 05:49 AM
Response to Original message
2. Well...
that's interesting...might that explain the Kerry lawyer's "intervention" in the Cobb-Badnarik suit in Ohio?

Are they TRYING to get it thrown out? Is Jesse involved?

What IS going on?
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Cowboy Joe2k Donating Member (279 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 05:55 AM
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3. Kick this to every one as fast as you can.
Kick this. This is all we hoped for this is what the world needs tied up in a bow. For the holiday this is what the world needs now. entire world Peace. Kick this if you ever thought you were free.

Kick this every chance you get least you wine up kicking the damn thing for ever.

Kick this. this is the one little bit of information that can save the world.

I may have bargained a solid argument to avoid getting stuck in this damn contraption.
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Carolab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 06:10 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. Dude
your link's broken
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americanwhothinks Donating Member (98 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 06:03 AM
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4. You CANNOT be serious...Bribe the billionaire? Give me a BREAK!!

so..John Kerry didn't ever really want to be president....all that work to get elected was just a front-- what john kerry REALLY wants is more of what he has tons of-- money?!

these threads should be sent to "thread corner" for a little "time out" as they are clearly absurd, thrown in here (by a joker or a threatened republican??) to make DU'ers look like rididulous conspiracy theorists?

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 06:20 AM
Response to Original message
6.  I didn't say that I agreed with the story
I'm just passing it along. It's been reprinted on the PrisonPlanet website but I can't find any additional confirmation of this story.

I just wanted to make sure everyone knew this info is making the rounds. Feel free to dismiss it promptly if it doesn't fit the paradigm.

The most interesting thing about this story is that it doesn't conflict with most of the other wild theories. Fixed electronic election results, large amounts of nearly untraceable funds, the strange feeling I had the day that Kerry conceded so quickly. And also, how reluctant Kerry has been to get into the recount effort.

I'm not saying I believe it but I do know that something is very wrong so I'm keeping my mind open to the most terrible possibilities. That's what I've come to expect from "big politics".

Trends would suggest that it's going to get worse before it gets better.
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Carolab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 06:44 AM
Response to Original message
7. This doesn't make sense to me
For lots of reasons.
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 06:56 AM
Response to Original message
8. I'm leaning toward hoax
I've been searching for a while and I can't find any type of independent confirmation for any part of this story. With the exception of known facts (i.e. plane crash, Kerry joins Ohio recount...).

It's probably just a waste of time. Sorry folks.
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bklyncowgirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 07:03 AM
Response to Original message
9. Whooo the tinfoil is glowing on this one! n/t
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