I and many like me worked organizing, writing, calling, canvassing for the Democrats in this last election. I registered many first time voters and talked to countless households in low income African American neighborhoods, assuring them that you guys were "The Real Deal". You promised us that every vote would count. We worked so many hours, putting our children, families, and lives on the back burner because so much was at stake. We got out the vote,on Nov 2, even supplying food, umbrellas and words of encouragement on that rainy election day in Ohio. "Please stay in line" we told many, "your vote will count, we promise."
Since November 2, I have been working with the same passion and conviction to expose the sham of an election that occurred in Ohio. Where are you Sen Edwards? This is when we need the leadership of the Democratic Party to step up to the plate. Rev Jackson has the courage to speak out! We need your voice as well.
I do not take my promises likely. I am not a politician. I am a mother, a business owner, a proud liberal and a person who follows up on her promises. I will continue to fight for the people who got out and voted until we are assured that we truly have a democracy-with equal protection under the law. Please join us in calling for a full investigation into the election. As Rev Jackson says, it is not about George Bush or John Kerry, It is about protecting our democracy and the civil rights of it's voters. Join us in Columbus Ohio on Sat Dec 4 and help our voices be heard.