it'll be a month tomorrow...
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Wed Dec-01-04 09:56 AM
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it'll be a month tomorrow... |
I got stuck behind a car with a Kerry/Edwards sticker last night. Many people here in Madison haven't taken their's off yet- but last night for some reason it made me start crying all over again. Sitting there and thinking about how a month ago I was so filled with hope that there was a light at the end of the tunnel and that we were finally almost there. And then the light was turned off and the last month has just been darkness. (I'm not trying to be glum, but that's how I feel)
I have gone a full month (for the first time since I was very little as my folks were very into watching the news with us) without watching any TV news. Without the DU I would have no clue what was going on in the world.
So how is everyone doing a month later? And where are we going from here?
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