"Shit happens" and sometimes we see patterns in it. Whether something is a coincidence or not can only be talked about in terms of probabilites, and often that's real hard in real life.
I can't leave the topic without using my favorite example:
FIRST, we can all agree that "sometimes strange things happen". Simple observation. "Shit happens".
SECOND, we know that a full moon happens once a month and lasts a few hours.
THEREFORE it HAS to happen sometimes that "strange things" will occur on nights of a full moon. There's no law that says they CAN'T, right? This is the definition of a coincidence - two events happening at the same time by chance (although we sometimes think it's more than chance).
BUT, if we notice something strange happening on such a night, we'll likely remember it as a 'strange coincidence' (if we're paying attention to the moon). ON THE OTHER HAND, if the moon isn't full, we'll write it off as 'some weird shit happening, like it sometimes does', and forget about it.
RESULT: we store the events (strange shit during a full moon) much more often than (strange shit without a full moon), giving the false impression of a pattern, and so people start coming up with werewolf stories and claims of vague 'recent studies' showing that more weird things happen during the full moon.
Of course I'm preaching to the choir here, but I couldn't help myself ; )