are being spent?
I just watched the segment on Countdown (thank you Keith O!) about the Ohio situation, and it occurred to me that, hey, I contributed a significant amount of money post-election to the Kerry camp, and, it seems that these funds were accepted, but there is no way to know how they are being spent.
I know I sound negative, and I apologize for this. But, I have some confidence in Keith, and, if he is questioning the level of involvement of the Kerry camp, then, perhaps this is something we all might need to acknowledge.
Should we be sending letters to the Kerry website asking how our contributions to this specific fund are being spent?
I would like to know that I didn't waste my money.
I am beginning to think that Kerry owes us an explanation of how come his website continued (and continues) to accept donations after he conceded, if, in fact, he has no plan to really contest this election.
I am not giving up, guys. So, please don't read this as a (1) Kerry-bashing post, or (2) let's move on post.
I really want to know...I trusted Kerry enough to contribute AFTER his concession because I really believed he would pursue this and I wanted to support him.
I so hope that he really will come through.