Here are the top three from the old nominations. We'll pick one of these for next month and we will also start fresh with new nominations for April.
1-- TaleWgnDg: "Crimes Against Nature" by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
who is an environmental attorney as well as an environmental activist. Kennedy gives fantastic insight and information about GWBush's environmental catastrophe. It's done with factual information backed up with sources, cites, and endnotes.
2-- Dem Bones Dem Bones: "Imperial Hubris" by Anonymous
About why the U.S. does not understand Osama bin Laden's motivations and why we will not succeed in establishing democracy in the tribal Islamic society of Afghanistan, or fare much better in Iraq.
3--Garrison Keillor's "Homegrown Democrat"
Since time's a-wasting, this will be a short poll. How about we end it on Friday, Feb. 11th, ok?
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