Part 2, which covers chapters 3-8 was a bit slow, however, I believe essential to understand that the Supreme Court ruling was misinterpreted, & therefore the entire premise that corporations are ‘persons’ is invalid. He also suggests that the 14th amendment was purposely worded with the word 'persons,' not 'natural persons' so as to provide a loophole which the corporations (railroads) could use to usurp the ruling. Had ‘natural persons’ been used, corporations would not have had a chance to challenge that they too are persons, because they are actually ‘artificial persons.’
Part 3, Unequal Consequences, chapters 9-20, will enrage you. Due to their unequal influence in government (with the help of corrupt elected officials, of course), corporations have put in place laws & regulations that undermine the people -- natural persons, while strengthening their rights. This section was difficult reading for me as I became more & more PO’d with each chapter.
I am just starting Part 4, Restoring Democracy. I look forward to Thom’s suggestions on how to reverse this situation, if it can be done after this amount of time. In Part 2, Thom tells how he interviewed an attorney familiar with supreme court rulings. Basically she said that “it’s now part of our law, even if there was a mistake.” ~gasp
I leave you with a few links from Reclaim Democracy, a great site devoted to this topic.
Draft of a Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Revoke Personhood Rights Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States: of Personhood Rights & Powers: Main corporate personhood page: More later.