As for the political implications, I think the underlying notions of Peak Oil will be a big part of the 2008 election. You are already hearing a lot about Global Warming and gas prices, so they could effect 2006. I don't the current Republican party can do anything about productive to change the outcomes of Peak Oil. It just goes against their blood. First, they are oil men and will live and die by the last drop of it. Second, they are God-fearing Christians and will be singing "rapture, rapture" once the first hardships if the Long Emergency happen. Lastly, they are the War Party. They will be fighting for the last remaining drops of oil, if it is Iraq, Iran, Alaska, off the coast of Florida or Louisiana it won't matter, the Republicans will fight for it.
I have hope that the Democratic Party came come up with a solution and bring this into the public consciousness. I really think that most people sense there is a problem on the horizon, but just need someone in power to tell what it is and that they will be OK. A lot of the gains in Renewable Energy is happening at the state level. California just had a big thing happen with Solar energy and here in the midwest, ethanol and wind power are being pushed. The beginnings might be happening there. It might take a Governor to run for President to bring the issue to the forefront. The people in Washington are too disconnected from the everyday problems. Schweitzer, Doyle, Richardson are 3 Democrats that I have done stuff about the Long Emergency.
In Washington, I see just a few people that seem like have a grasp on the problem. Fist, Maria Cantwell, Senator from Washington the 2 senators from New Mexico have pushed hard for Renewable energy to be included for the Energy Bill. Harry Reid and Dick Durbin had good speeches about it during the debates and that gave me hope that they understand the problem. Also, John McCain was outspoken about it too.
I also think Senator Feingold of Wisconsin has a strong environmental record and conviction and could lead us in the right direction. Then there is Al Gore. Gore was an environmental advocate before he was Vice President. He wrote a book in the 1990's called Earth in Balance. He currently is speaking about Global Warming to anyone that will listen. Depending on when the Long Emergency comes about, Gore could be a player in the 2008 election. If people are hit hard enough, they may turn to a politician that has the experience, has led the country in good economic times, and has been an advocate for the environment.
I think any knowledge about Peak Oil into the public is a good thing. We can't wait for politicians to say, "hey, listen up." Make it heard through your actions, buy a better gas mileage car then next you purchase a vehicle, stop shopping at Wal Mart and go to the locally owned store, plant a garden, learn skills like carpentry, sewing, etc, and talk to your neighbors and other people you see around town. It is amazing how many people still think Gas will be back to $1 a gallon soon. Every little bit of information helps bring this important topic to the forefront, where then we can work to ease the impacts of the Long Emergency.