on the same topic.
"Defeat in the East" is a well writen book about the Russian drive from Warsaw to the Elbe.
General Guderian was put in charge of reconstituting the panzer corps after the defeats in Russia. By the winter of 44, he had a modest panzer reserve built up. It wasn't much, but it was the biggest reserve the Germans had had behind the Russian front since the first offensives.
Then Hitler took the entire force and sent it west for the Battle of the Bulge.
The result was that when the Russians did attack across the Vistula, the German front snapped and disintegrated.
This created an incredible disaster as the civilian population was caught unprepared. They either hunkered down or started walking through the snow in the dead of winter.
The result is believed to be the largest number of rapes in the history of the world. The entire population of eastern Germany was completely emptied of civilians through terror, rape, murder and deportations.
The worst part is that the policy worked.
The entire portion of the country was emptied of German civilians. The names of the cities were changed to Russian or Polish names, and Russian and Polish civilians were moved into the German homes.
They remain there today.
Great German cities like Konigsberg (Kaliningrad), Breslau (Wroclaw) and Stettin (Sczeczin) were lost forever. The provinces of East Prussia, West Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia have all disappeared from the map after 1,000 years.
And since the civilians were terrorized off their lands, there are no protest movements today. There are no UN resolutions, or terrorist bombings or marches. The land was just stolen and that's that.