As somebody's said - Them is probably better (Alex Jones, David Icke, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, OKC, Ruby Ridge, Ian Paisley, Omar bakri Mohammed, ...) but Goats is very weird, unbelievable at times (although I knew about the Remote Viewing (there's a really good book about it, buggered if I can remember the title) & the whole Olsen LSD case).
He made both books into TV series' -
Secret Rulers of the World and
Crazy Rules of the World - which you hopefully can download via edonkey from here: you have trouble, I know the Bilderberg & Bohmeian Grove ones are kicking around the net (conspiracy theorists love them - it was with Ronson that Alex Jones got the "Ceremony of Care" footage from Bohemian Grove). The network Trio picked up the first series a couple of years after it aired, so perhaps it'll do the same for "Crazy Rulers".
(At the above link, there's also a six-part BBC Radio 4 series he did & links to various articles)
Them is being turned into a film, written by Mike White (
School of Rock, The Good Girl, Chuck & Buck) and directed by Edgar Wright (
Shaun of the DeadRonson also writes a small, humorous, weekly piece in the Guardian called "Out of the Ordinary" - this search link pulls up many of them:, here's his website which has links to a fair bit of stuff. The forum's a good place too, especially as Jon posts there every now & then. FYI, here's a link to Jim Channon's "First Earth Battalion" manual: Channon, he's advising the Pentagon again)
and you can pick up a First Earth Battalion T-Shirt here!:, I'll stop my fan wankery now!