Has anyone read this by Christopher Hitchens?
My daughter & I are feuding about this book. She wants me to read it. I have such a hate for Hitchens, I can't bring myself to read anything written by him. She is unaware of his stance on the war. When I recently sent her his quotes defending Chalabi posted to David Corn's blog. She told me I need to read more books and stay away from "blogger nonsense". She also informed be that "the internet has no checks & balances so it is impossible to get accurate information."
In my reply, I sent her links to Media Matters, she hates O'Reilly. I asked her who she wants to check & balance our info. Rolling Stone had an article about how bloggers scooped the big news guys on Plame Gate. It mentions Huffington's, Washington Note & Raw Story. I sent her a link to that. Also sent her a link to Juan Cole, in an earlier conversation she asked what was going on in Paris. I also sent her a link from antiwar.com that list about fifty different international news services. I then told her she needs to get her nose out of philosphy books and educate herself about what is happening right now.
She's a bright kid, 21-yrs old. She spent time working with environmental groups in Austin, TX. She is saving up the money to move to London. Her plan in life is to write, her favorite author is Hunter S Thompson. She got a tattoo of his gonzo fist on her wrist when he died. How can she be reading Hitchens? I feel like such a failure.