Just in case your memory of the follies of the pro-some-family crowd has been up to while they're telling us how to live, comes this small, easy to carry dictionary of hypocrisy.
Bryan Harris is funnier than Hell! He details the Godly exploits fo such paragons of virtue as...
Bobb Barr Henry Hyde James Guckert (Jeff Gannon) Ann Coulter Rick Santorum Helen Chenowith Laura Schlessinger Phil Gramm Sun Yung Moon Dick Armey Ed Schrock Strom Thurmond Bill O'Reilly Arthur J Finkelstein David Drier Ken Mehlman Jim Kolbe...and others.
Excerpt: Champion of the NRA and sweetheart of the "family values" crowd, ol' Bob has been married three times and sued for child support. In 1992, he showed hissupport for the foundations of society by licking whipped cream from the cleavages of two women at a leukemia fundraiser. When confronted with the photographs of this principled act, Representative Barr(R-Ga) said it had been done for charitable reasons-his table had donated $200 to the cause and so he ran his tongue over the breasts of a credit-card executive and a nurse.
As a leading torch bearer in the Clinton lynch mob, Barr became a target of Hustler publisher Larry Flynt.... Barr's second wife, Gail, a former CIA analys, said Barr consented to and paid for her 1983 abortion. She later came to realize, while filling in for Barr's secretary, that she was scheduling lunches foer him and his mistress and soon to be wife, Jeri Dobbin.
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