I picked up the book by Kate Michelman at Borders last night. It's title is "With Liberty and Justice For All." This book gives you an overall view of Ms Michelman's work for choice from being a young, abandoned housewife to president of NARAL. I found myself getting angry as I read about Kate's first husband abandoning her and her three daughters. Then Kate found out she was pregnant. Realizing she would not be able care for the baby, she decided to have a "THERAPUTIC" abortion. Angrier feelings welled up as I read about Kate having to appear before a panel of four male doctors before getting the permission to have the abortion. Because at the time, her divorce wasn't final, she was then given a permission slip for her estranged husband to sign. This man abandoned Kate and her daughters and Kate had to get his permission for an abortion like he was her father? Excuse me??? For those of you who care about the right of choice, I recommend reading this book. There is also a chapter about the Bork and Clarence Thomas hearings. Ms Michelman also gives her theory an why Kerry lost the 2004 election.