flabbergasted. And by that I mean that if Mary Beth Cahill had taken the time to read the even as far as I have, she would have done a much better job leading Kerry's campaign. for instacne, she could have seen the Swift Boat Vets thing coming from a mile away and been prepared to respond. Is our leadership less well read than we peons who read this for fun and not as part of our job requirements? Should we be sending the DU reading list to the DNC?
BTW, I am not getting very far in Noise Machine because I am also trying to finish Howard Hughes: His Life and Madness, which is fascinating (at least until he becomes a complete and total recluse, because then the action really slows down).
Anyway, for any biography fans out there: Howard Hughes is a fascinating person. Despicable (racist, red-baiter, liar), but amazing (several air speed records, aviation and film innovator).
In the end, even though he is not a nice person, I have become sorry for him. His self-imposed exile became a prison that allowed his staff to take advantage of him, and they certainly did take full advantage. It is too bad nobody stood up to him enough to ensure he got treatment for his mental illness. His negative qualities could have been manifestations of this illness, and if he were legally in an asylum (instead of the one he built for himself), those who looked after his business interests would have had a fiduciary responsibility to take care of it (instead of being able to enrich themselves). Overall, a tragic story.