people do on each other are good we don't need a bunch of elitists to tell us what is bullshit, how and the proper way to check others bullshit for us anymore.I think we are grown ups and can manage it even when some of us cannot think ,it's a learning process elitism denies us.And I for one would rather learn by myself than have to listen to yet another elitist fuck stick telling me what I can and cannot explore to develop my own mind...That's all.
Jose Delgado was an elitist fuck stick asshole who told Congress that Mankind has no right to develop their own minds. Why on Earth would he say that? Because for an elitist to be elite they need a non-elite to compare themselves to to justify themselves being"special.So the people must be made to devalue thought,ignorant enough to believe they have no mind to develop and learn to fear intellectual seeking, new ideas, and learning outside of the arena of what experts think makes them think they are"creating"culture..
Elitism has a dirty unspoken flaw,by it's own nature elitism creates the crass culture the elitists say disgusts them.To do otherwise would destroy elitism and erase their claim of elite status among the dirt farmers they say they despise.
It cannot be both ways Elitism is FAKE.. and equality/democracy the way the world functions is real and it is INCOMPATIBLE with FAKE..That is why empires need to subjugate and force limit and control because they are psychopathic,artificial and unnatural and dead.
A psychocivilized society of" refined culture" may please the elitist's self absorbed control freak palate but it is hardly civilized moral or thoughtful.
The behavioural engineers insist that they, and not the liberal "mollycoddlers" with their diehard concern for personal autonomy, are the true humanitarians. Indeed, with a little help from behaviour-modifying drugs, aversion therapies, brain electrodes and other body-bugging devices, they would cheerfully and cheaply free the human spirit of its deviant and antisocial impulses while emptying the prisons once and for all. In the process, they neglect to add, there is a good chance they would make the world a prison. an example of science gone mad coupled with a pretense of humanity and the complete lack of any sense of decency, morality or understanding of Man as a living, conscious entity. Sadly, this statement is largely true for all of what passes as "educated" relating to the subjects of modern psychology, psychiatry and sociology.
Delgado asserts (see below) that the primary concern of Man should be Man's mental evolution. The problem is that Delgado, along with the majority of the psychiatric and "scientific" community believes the mind of Man to be nothing more than an annoying by-product of electrical and chemical reactions in the brain. Due to this incorrect basic assumption, his "solutions" to Man's individual and social problems lies in drugs, brain implants and neuro-surgery.
This type book can sound awfully convincing due to the language of "science" and apparent "humanity", but it actually ignores everything remotely related to the actual functions and workings of the human mind (i.e. thought, attention, intention, decision-making, imagination, responsibility, etc.). Instead, it degrades into physical control by "wise" leaders and scientists.
(sick echoes of Plato, Leo Strauss,and Vogelin,the neocons " philosophicalfathers")