Behind the Iran-Contra Affair published by EIR, 1987. The style of the book required patience to get through exasperation at some repetitiousness, which usually had some additional tidbit of suggestive further leads. He never uses the 'according to government sources' as authority, he simply makes the assertion, sometimes giving a newspaper source. The book has no index. It reminds me of the style of political writing in the book: American Aurora. It is dated, it was written in February; he saw Mrs. Clinton as the only possible choice. His analysis of the probable electoral college votes I cannot judge. It is open to the charge of conspiracy orientation in his elevation of Brzezinski to prominence. A possible lead to pursue is: "The scandal of the rogue B-52 broke on September 5, and a stand-down and nuclear census of the entire USAF soon followed. According to all indications, the B-52 was under the extra-legal control of the Cheney faction, which evidently planned to fly it to the Middle East and quite possibly use one or more of the nuclear cruise missiles in an attack on Iran and/or Syria, probably in cooperation or coordination with the Israeli air attack on Syria which occurred on September 6. The fact that the B-52 was blocked may have represented the last gasp of the Bush-Cheney-neocon faction, and the beginning of the hegemony of a different and far more dangerous group, namely the Brzezinski-Trilateral faction. page 195