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Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Th

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RamboLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-28-08 09:09 PM
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Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Th
Edited on Sun Dec-28-08 10:01 PM by RamboLiberal


Praise for Russ Baker: “Shocking in its disclosures, elegantly crafted, and faultlessly measured in its judgments, Family of Secrets is nothing less than a first historic portrait in full of the Bush dynasty and the era it shaped. From revelation to revelation, insight to insight—from the Kennedy assassination to Watergate to the oil and financial intrigues that lie behind today's headlines—this is a sweeping drama of money and power, unseen forces, and the emblematic triumph of a lineage that sowed national tragedy. Russ Baker's Family of Secrets is sure to take its place as one of the most startling and influential works of American history and journalism.”—Roger Morris, former senior staff member, National Security Council, and author of Richard Milhous Nixon: The Rise of an American Politician and Partners in Power: The Clintons and Their America

“In an era dominated by corporate journalism and an ideological right-wing media, Russ Baker’s work stands out for its fierce independence, fact-based reporting, and concern for what matters most to our democracy…A lot of us look to Russ to tell us what we didn’t know.” —Bill Moyers, author and host, Bill Moyers’ Journal (PBS)

“Russ Baker has the three most important attributes of any great investigative reporter: He is skeptical, he is fearless, and he is indefatigable. Whenever he examines anything—including the most allegedly wellcovered topics—he breaks important new ground.” —David Margolick, author and contributing editor, Vanity Fair

Product Description

The long-hidden story of a family we thought we knew—and of a power-making apparatus that we have barely begun to comprehend.

After eight disastrous years, George W. Bush leaves office as one of the most unpopular presidents in American history. Russ Baker asks the question that lingers even as this benighted administration winds down: Who really wanted this man at the helm of the country, and why did his backers promote him despite his obvious liabilities and limitations? This book goes deep behind the scenes to deliver an arresting new look at George W. Bush, his father George H. W. Bush, their family, and the network of figures in intelligence, the military, finance, and oil who enabled the family’s rise to power. Baker’s exhaustive investigation reveals a remarkable clan whose hermetic secrecy and code of absolute loyalty have concealed a far-reaching role in recent history that transcends the Bush presidencies. Baker offers new insights into lingering mysteries—from the death of John F. Kennedy to Richard Nixon’s downfall in Watergate. Here, too, are insider accounts of the backroom strategizing, and outright deception, that resulted in George W. Bush’s electoral success. Throughout, Baker helps us understand why we have not known these things before. Family of Secrets combines compelling narrative with eye-opening revelations. It offers the untold history of the machinations that have shaped American politics over much of the last century.

From the book's website:

Why George H.W. Bush can’t remember where he was on November 22, 1963

Why oilman George H.W. Bush shows up in early CIA documents

A new, more troubling explanation of the Watergate scandal

The real story behind George W. Bush’s missing military service

The inside scoop on the Bushes and Saudi influence in America

The strange saga of Harvard University and its endowment

The untold real story behind George W. Bush’s religious awakening

Never before told anecdotes from George W. Bush’s wild past

How the CIA monitors the White House and its occupants

Why Barack Obama and his supporters should read this book

The following is an excerpt from the book.

Even before George W. Bush attained his first public office, his handlers were aware of a skeleton rattling noisily in his closet. It was one that undercut the legend of principle and duty -- the story of a man's man and patriot. It would have to be disposed of.

At a televised debate in 1994 between incumbent Texas governor Ann Richards and challenger George W., Austin television reporter Jim Moore asked Bush to explain how he had gotten so quickly and easily into National Guard pilot training as an alternative to serving in Vietnam. Candidate Bush simply asserted that favoritism had played no role and that he had honorably served. End of discussion. There were no follow-up questions.

But the moment the debate was over, Bush's communications director, Karen Hughes, came at the journalist. "Karen just makes a beeline for me and gets in my face and tries to separate me from the crowd," Moore said. "Then she starts a rant. 'What kind of question is that? Why did you ask that question? Who do you think you are? That's just not relevant to being governor of Texas. He's not trying to run the federal government. He's going to run the state of Texas. What does his service in the National Guard have to do with anything? He doesn't have an army to run here in Texas. Why would you ask such a question, Jim?'" (Some years later, when Bush actually was running an army, each time a reporter asked the same question, he or she was told that it had been "asked and answered" long ago.) In response to Hughes, Moore said, "It's about character, Karen. It's about his generation and mine coming of age, and how we dealt with what we all viewed as a bad war."

As the reporter was turning to go file his story, Bush's chief strategist, Karl Rove, came at him next. "'What was that question, Moore?' And I said, 'Well, you know what it was, Karl.' I said it's a fair question. And he said, 'It wasn't fair. It doesn't have anything to do with anything.' And his rant was less energized than Karen's, but it was the same thing -- trying to say, 'You're stupid. You're a yokel local and you're stupid and you don't know what you're doing.'"

Bush's handlers thought they could get reporters off a story by intimidating them. Often they turned out to be right. It sometimes seems that the entire story of George W. Bush's life has been rewritten by hired hands. As each exaggeration, distortion, or factual error is uncovered, Bush has ducked and bobbed; only rarely has he been forced to concede anything.
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checks-n-balances Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-28-08 11:28 PM
Response to Original message
1. Wow! K & R for sure
Thanks for posting.

I'm surprised this even got into print.:scared:
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BridgeTheGap Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-29-08 09:44 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. It's time for the "cult of personality" moment for this Bush. Things are mightily off kilter
now and some ONE will have to be left holding the bag. That ONE is Bush. I don't doubt the veracity of the book and that the Bush family is in service to the ruling class. They are throwing this out to deflect attention from systemic problems and injustices. The Bush's are the problem, W in particular. NOT the oligarchy and the system they have errected over time. The Bushs have been the "front men" not the ones "behind the curtain."
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EPIC1934 Donating Member (172 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-30-08 02:07 AM
Response to Reply #2
In this guest column, award-winning investigative reporter Russ Baker gives some background on his new book which, in part, explores former President George H.W. Bush's CIA ties and his little known connections to the Watergate scandal.

One of the fastest ways to raise eyebrows in politically savvy company is to suggest that Richard Nixon was not the villain of Watergate. Everyone knows that Nixon himself set loose the Watergate burglars and then oversaw the attempted cover-up that followed. We know this because the most famous journalists of the last fifty years – Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein – made their careers on that story. I thought I knew it too.

Then I began the research that led to my new book, Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, The Powerful Forces That Put it in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America. I had no intention, when I started, of re-opening the Watergate inquiries. But the trail led there, as I sought to answer a question that somehow has escaped careful attention. Why did Richard Nixon repeatedly promote George H.W. Bush (Bush Sr., or Poppy, as he is known) for important political posts despite both his apparent lack of qualifications and Nixon's own privately-expressed doubts about Bush's mettle? Why, even when Nixon became so wary of so many of his appointees that he fired cabinet members en masse, did he continue to be solicitous of Bush Sr.?

Nixon named the obscure Poppy to be UN ambassador in 1970 and then chairman of the national Republican Party in 1972. Even earlier, in 1968, Nixon actually put Bush Sr. on his list of vice presidential running mate prospects – this not long after Poppy was first elected to the House of Representatives. Similarly, Nixon's replacement, Gerald Ford, sent Poppy off as envoy to China and later made him CIA director, though by most accounts he was an odd choice for both of these sensitive jobs.

In short, in the Nixon era, Poppy Bush was the man who always seemed to be around, yet also managed to stay out of the main story. Digging way back, I came upon evidence that Nixon felt beholden to the Bush family and to the interests it represented. The reason: Bush Sr.'s father, Senator Prescott Bush, grandfather of George W. Bush, apparently helped launch Nixon's political career in 1946 as a way of destroying his first opponent, liberal congressman Jerry Voorhis, an outspoken critic of the excesses of bankers and financiers. Given the current Wall Street disasters, and the role of Prescott's grandson in enabling them, this revelation has obvious contemporary relevance.

Once I understood this special Nixon-Bush relationship, which is basically missing from all major Nixon biographies, I began to ask what exactly Poppy had been doing during the Watergate years. This led to the discovery that the Watergate break-in was almost certainly just one of a series of illegal acts that were engineered by people around Nixon, but not by Nixon himself. Far from defending Nixon's interests, these people had been privately frustrated with him on a variety of fronts and were now looking to take him down.

Simply put, once Nixon attained the presidency, he struggled for his independence, and began doing things that displeased his former sponsors.

I explored in particular a little-known matter called the Townhouse Affair. It turns out to be an important precursor to Watergate. Townhouse and Watergate both had earmarks of involvement by CIA figures.

And I looked at something that has barely emerged in public, but which was discussed by Nixon and his advisers: his ongoing struggle with the CIA. Combined with other evidence I developed of Poppy Bush's longstanding involvement with the CIA (back to the 1950s), it becomes apparent that there was more to Watergate than Richard Nixon's paranoia. There is not space here for all the particulars I lay out in Family of Secrets. But a few highlights:

Townhouse appears in retrospect to be an elaborate effort to frame Nixon for financial wrongdoing, by orchestrating a ridiculously shady-looking fundraising operation (and purported political blackmail scheme) headquartered in a basement office in a D.C. townhouse. The people who conjured up and ran Townhouse were tied to Poppy Bush.

Wealthy independent oilmen who backed Bush felt anger and distrust toward Nixon, who proved to be less than entirely reliable on their key issues, such as a tax giveaway called the Oil Depletion Allowance.

Many figures in Nixon's White House had CIA ties, and appear to have been keeping an eye on him, even as they worked for him. (The role of the security services raises suggestive questions as a new president prepares to take office – namely, how free is any president to pursue the agenda he promised the voters? The ghosts of the Bushes and what they represent will hang over a new President Obama in ways we have never imagined.)

Poppy Bush had extensive secret ties to the intelligence apparatus before he became CIA director in 1976. This connection has not previously been reported, and it provides an answer to a question that puzzled observers at the time – namely, what had Poppy Bush ever done to prepare him to lead the nation's premier spy agency?

After being named Republican national chairman, Poppy Bush used that position to monitor and help shape the unfolding Watergate affair.

John Dean was much more than a whistleblower. It appears that he was aware of or even a key figure in the White House covert activities that brought Nixon down, yet encouraged Nixon to take the blame for them.

There is evidence suggesting a connection between Poppy Bush and Dean. Records show that Bush actually called the then-obscure Dean from his UN office in New York during the earliest days of these events. Why would the UN ambassador be speaking to a White House counsel?

The rookie reporter Bob Woodward began working at the Washington Post, and on Watergate in particular, with job recommendations from high officials in the White House who knew him from his days in Naval intelligence work.

A handful of famous Watergate tape excerpts were misconstrued – or in some cases, misleadingly edited – by some in academic, media, legislative and judicial arenas to convey a false impression of what Richard Nixon actually knew – and of how culpable he was.

Watergate special prosecutor Leon Jaworski, a key figure in the ousting of Nixon, was a close Texas friend of Poppy Bush – and steered clear of evidence that pointed to Poppy's involvement.

Even the notion of "Deep Throat," purportedly Woodward's main source (identified as the recently-deceased FBI man W. Mark Felt), may have been part of a CIA-style "psyops" scheme to create the impression of Nixon's culpability. Some key figures claim that there was in fact no "Deep Throat" at all.

Nixon suspected the CIA of surrounding him and then setting him up. From his own days supervising covert operations as vice president, he recognized that the Watergate burglars and their bosses were seasoned CIA hardliners with ties to the Bay of Pigs invasion and events linked to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Nixon battled the CIA for files on what he called the "Bay of Pigs thing," but never could get access to them.

In sum, I found that the very people who created Nixon and used him to advance their own political interests ended up destroying him. Nixon's famous paranoia, in other words, had a basis in reality.

All of this, and much more, arose directly from my research, which is carefully documented in Family of Secrets and in more than 1000 source notes.

Copyright © 2008 Russ Baker


Russ Baker is the author of Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, The Powerful Forces That Put it in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America (Published by Bloomsbury Press; 978-1596915572). For more information on his book and the research behind it, please visit As an award-winning investigative reporter, Baker has a track record for making sense of complex and little understood matters. He has written for the New Yorker, Vanity Fair, the Nation, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Village Voice and Esquire. He has also served as a contributing editor to the Columbia Journalism Review. Baker received a 2005 Deadline Club award for his exclusive reporting on George W. Bush's military record. He is the founder of WhoWhatWhy/the Real News Project, a nonpartisan, nonprofit investigative news organization, operating at
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EPIC1934 Donating Member (172 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-30-08 07:51 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Harvard, Harken Energy, and george W. Bush
Aside from stunning new revelations about the role of H.W. Bush in creating an elaborate intelligence-connected cover story to deflect from the fact that he was in Dallas Texas on 11-22-63.....

Aside from the clearest depiction to date of the covert intelligence connections that linked the JFK Assassination and the Waterloo of another President who happened to have been in Dallas on 11-22-63-- Richard Nixon....

..there is some regional small talk as well: Russ Baker in his new book Family of Secrets, explores a unique relationship between a Top CIA connected money launderer for Philippines dictator Ferdinand Marcos William Quasha, his son Alan Quasha, a graduate of Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School, and George W. Bush's Harken Energy Co. ...

During the years William Quasha was living in Manila and conducting his law practice, his son Alan attended Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School-- even studying in years that overlapped W.'S time there. Then ALan Quasha se up a law practice specializing in the alchemy of corporate restructuring. News reports have characterized his approach to acquiring companies on the cheap as bottom-feeding(49) and noted that the provenance of the funding was not always clear. Additionally, at the time of the Harken purchase, Poppy Bush, a former CIA director, was vice president, with the portfolio for managing covert operations--an empire that was under girded by laundered intelligence funds. When Alan Quasha took control of Harken in 1983, he was essentially an unknown and a small-timer. Several years later, he appeared to be on top of the world. Did gold and/or Marcos's billions have anything to do with this? What about Harvard's role? It is possibly a coincidence that Robert G. Stone of the Harvard Corporation also served on the board of the Gold Fund of the investment giant Scudder Investments. The Gold Fund was established in 1988, shortly after Stone brought Harvard's money into Harken. Four hears later, Harken chairman Alan Quasha joinded the boar of Am erican Express's AXP Precious Metals Fund (50) (p. 351, Family of Secrets On Robert G. Stone-

--- In 2002, the boston Globe, seeking to understand the local school's involvement with Harken, spoke with Robert G. Stone Jr., the longtime charman of the seven-member Harvard Corporations, the university's highest governing board. Stone souldght to distance himself from the matter..... Despite Stone's efforts to distance himself from the Bush's and from Harvard's entry into Harken, tone himself turns out to have both oil and CIA connections--or perhaps it can be said, CIA-oil connections. Most intriguingly, Stone turns out to have been in business with the "former" CIA officer Thomsas J. Divine. That's the same Thomas J. Divine who purportedly retired from the agency in order to help Poppy Bush start up Zapata Offshore. (p. 341, Family of Secrets) RUSS BAKER is an investigative journalist. He has written for the new Yorker, Vanity Fair, the New York Times, the nation, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the Village Voice, and esquire, and has served as contributing editor to the Columbia Journalism Review. His exclusive reporting on george W. Bush's military record received a 2005 Deadline Club award. He is the founder of Who WhatWhy/ the Real News Project, a nonpartisan, nonprofit investigative news organizations, operating at
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EPIC1934 Donating Member (172 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-31-08 11:41 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. '76 Letter FROM Oswald's #1 Handler in Dallas to H.W.Bush CIA Boss
The following is from Russ Baker's new book Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, The Powerful Forces That Put it in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America
In 1976, more than a decade after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a ltrrer arrived at the CIA, addressed to its director, the Hon.
George Bush. The letter was from a desperate-sounding man in Dallas, who spoke regretfully of having been discreet in talking about Lee Harvey
Oswald and begged Poppi for help:

Maybe you will be able to bring a solution into the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded
by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed verywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want
to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by this situation... I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H.
Oswald and must have angered a lot of people... Could you do something to remove this net around us? This will be the last
request for help and I will not annoy you any more.

The writer signed himself "G. de Mohrenschildt" (1) (p. 67, Family of Secrets)

1. Letter from de Mohrenschildt to Bush, avialable through the Mary Ferrell foundation Web site ( It includes
the official routing slip where Bush checks "yes" after "do you know this individual?" (104-10414-10013). Also available is a
memorandum from Inspector General John Waller to Bush summarizing what is in the CIA files on de Mohrenschildt (104-10414-10372);
and a letter from Bush to de Mohrenschildt (104-10414-10134).

Soon Oswald's CIA handler de Mohrenschildt would be dead, (ruled sucide by self inflicted shotgun blast) in 1977.

He died on the very day that he received his second subpoena from the House
elect Committee on Assassinations requesting a follow up to his testimony regarding his relationship with Oswald in Dallas with other intelligence-connected members of far right-- often with clear connections to oil and defense industries-- in Dallas from 1962 until the late Spring of 1963.

RUSS BAKER is an investigative journalist. He has written for the new Yorker, Vanity Fair, the New York Times, the nation, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the Village Voice, and Esquire, and has served as contributing editor to the Columbia Journalism Review. His exclusive reporting on George W. Bush's military record received a 2005 Deadline Club award. He is the founder of WhoWhatWhy/ the Real News Project, a nonpartisan, nonprofit investigative news organization, operationg at
Operation Mockingbird Spartacus:
Operation Mockingbird Education Forum

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EPIC1934 Donating Member (172 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-04-09 07:34 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Please spread the word.
This book has lately been causing me intense emotional grief. The reason is that many will see this book and think "oh another Bush book"


This is a book that does amazing things, and might just breach the (imaginary??) gulf between conspiracy theory and structural analysis. The stuff on Bush and his Dallas alibis is buttressed by a thorough breakdown of how intelligence was connected with the international oil industry coming out of WWII. Watergate grows right out of the JFK assassination, just as it did in the mind of Richard Nixon in his famously ambiguious phrase "the whole Bay of Pigs thing" as mentioned in the SO CALLED smoking gun memo. Watergate is given a much needed reanalysis. So much of the stuff in here had me saying to myself " I can't believe they are allowing this in here" And the author can stand up to fire: he is an editor at Columbia Journalism Review.

If we lived in a democracy this book would be number 1 right now.
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Marksbrother Donating Member (653 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-24-09 03:40 PM
Response to Reply #2
23. Does that maybe explain the curious fact that Poppy & GW
both seem to mingle with some people who are of a lower economic class than themselves? For example, Poppy Bush is friends with
a furniture store owner in Texas (Houston) and the owner of the Houston Astros. Both are rich, but definitely not in the same
league with billionaires and near-billionaires. The Astros owner might be a billionaire, but not by much. The furniture store
owner is worth in the hundreds of millions.
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BridgeTheGap Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-06-09 08:16 AM
Response to Original message
7. Spreading the word is good...what will be done? The stuff that has gone on in the last 8 years
defies logic, morality and the American way (whatever the hell that is!).
The Bush administration has acted the whole time as if they were immune from the rule of law.
Apparently they are, with a few exceptions.
Pressing for impeachment, even after he leaves office, seems to be the best course of action.
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EPIC1934 Donating Member (172 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-09-09 07:58 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. Russ Baker's Family of Secrets
There is a lot in Russ Baker's new book on a critical figure in Dallas 11-22-63 WHO BAKER SHOWS WAS A KEY CONTACT OF GEORGE BUSH


Linda Minor wrote

Crichton is mentioned numerous times in Russ Baker's book. Besides being an Army Intelligence Reserve officer until 1982, he was also connected to the Empire Trust, which has long been a major interest of mine. Not only that, but his corporate directorships overlapped with other men who also served on the board of Dresser Industries, the corporation wholly owned by Brown Brothers Harriman, the investment bank Bush's father spent his entire career with.

Russ Baker revealed some very significant (I think) information about who probably replaced Fletcher Prouty as head of security matters for the Kennedy trip to Texas. He says that Crichton ran for governor on the same Republican ticket with George H.W. Bush, who ran for the Senate, in 1964; and that Crichton "was connected to the military intelligence figures who led Kennedy's motorcade." Deputy Police Chief Lumpkin, who called Mamantov to be a Russian interpreter, was "driving the pilot car of Kennedy's motorcade, a quarter mile ahead of JFK's vehicle. Lumpkin was a friend of Jack Crichton, Poppy Bush's GOP colleague. Like Crichton, moreover, he was a member of an Army Intelligence Reserve unit," and admitted to HSCA that he "had been consulted by the Secret Service on motorcade security, and his input had eliminated an alternative route." Jack Crichton's boss in his Reserve unit was also riding in that car.

John Simkin wrote

Russ Baker has done some great research on Jack Crichton in Family of Secrets and has come up with a new motive for the assassination of JFK. However, the book does not tell us how Crichton, who was born on a cotton plantation in Crichton, Louisiana, on 16th October, 1916, became involved in right-wing Texas politics. The clue could be in his obituary that appeared in the Dallas Morning News. It says he attended Texas A&M University between 1933-1937. I carried out a search on the web and discovered two of his fellow students at A&M were Harvey Bright and Earle Cabell.


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During the Second World War Jack Crichton served with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). It would be interesting to know who he served with in the OSS. It is amazing how many suspects in the assassination of JFK served in the OSS (especially in China).

In 1946 Everette DeGolyer recruited Crichton into the oil industry. According to Russ Baker: "He (Crichton) started and ran a baffling array of companies, which tended to change names frequently. These operated largely below the radar, and fronted for some of North America's biggest names, including the Bronfmans (Seagram's liquor), the Du Ponts, and the Kuhn-Loeb family of financiers."

In 1952 Jack Crichton joined a syndicate that included Everette DeGolyer and Clint Murchison to use connections in the government of General Francisco Franco to acquire rare drilling rights in Spain. The operation was handled by Delta Drilling, which was owned by Joe Zeppa.

In August 1953 Crichton joined the Empire Trust Company. He eventually became a vice-president of the organization. According to Stephen Birmingham, the author of Our Crowd: The Great Jewish Families of New York (1962) the company had a network of associates that amounted to "something very like a private CIA". The Empire Trust was also a major investor in the defence contractor General Dynamics. This could be significant as the Bobby Baker investigation involved LBJ's relationship to this company. Albert E. Jenner, who played a major role in the cover-up, also did a lot of legal work for General Dynamics at the time and later was made a director of the company.

In 1956 Crichton started up his own spy unit, the 488th Military Intelligence Detachment. Crichton served as the unit's commander under Lieutenant Colonel George Whitmeyer, who was in overall command of all Army Reserve units in East Texas. In an interview Crichton claimed that there were "about a hundred men in that unit and about forty or fifty of them were from the Dallas Police Department."

In the 1950s Jack Crichton became involved with several oil men who began negotiating with Fulgencio Batista, the military dictator of Cuba. A key figure in this was George de Mohrenschildt, who at that time worked for a company called Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust Company (CVOVT) that had been established by William Buckley Sr. Crichton later remarked that "I liked George. He was a nice guy." It is argued by Russ Baker that Crichton's Empire Trust Company played a major role in the financing of the Cuban venture.

On 30th November, 1956, The New York Times reported that: "The Cuban Stanolind Oil Company, an affiliate of the Standard Oil Company (Indiana), has signed an agreement with the Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust and Trans-Cuba Oil Company for the development of an an additional 3,000,000 acres in Cuba. This is in addition to the original agreement covering 12,000,000 acres." George de Mohrenschildt later told Albert E. Jenner that CVOVT had managed to obtain leases covering nearly half of Cuba in the 1950s. As Russ Baker pointed out in Family of Secrets (2008): "Though now almost completely forgotten, on many days in the mid-1950s, it was one of the four or five most actively traded issues on the American Stock Exchange."

On 1st January, 1959, Fulgencio Batista fled Cuba. The following day Fidel Castro and his revolutionary army marched into Havana. The New York Times reported on 22nd November 1959, that Castro's government had approved a law that would reduce the size of claims for oil exploration and halt large-scale explorations by private companies. These claims were now limited to 20,000 acres. This was a major problem for the Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust Company that had signed an agreement with Fulgencio Batista for 15,000,000 acres.

Jack Crichton also had a close association with George H. W. Bush. According to Fabian Escalante (The Secret War: CIA Covert Operations Against Cuba, 1959-62), in 1959, Crichton and Bush raised funds for the CIA's Operation 40. Originally it was set up to organize sabotage operations against Fidel Castro and his Cuban government. However, it evolved into a team of assassins. One member, Frank Sturgis, claimed: "this assassination group (Operation 40) would upon orders, naturally, assassinate either members of the military or the political parties of the foreign country that you were going to infiltrate, and if necessary some of your own members who were suspected of being foreign agents... We were concentrating strictly in Cuba at that particular time."

The failure to assassinate or overthrow Fidel Castro caused tremendous problems for the Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust Company and other foreign oil companies that had already invested more than $30 million looking for oil in Cuba. In December 1960, CVOVT was de-listed from the American Stock Exchange.

Critchton was appointed head of the intelligence component of the Dallas Civil Defence. The conservative radio commentator Paul Harvey wrote in his syndicated column in September 1960: "The Communists, since 1917, have sold Communism to more people than have been told about Christ after 2,000 years." He urged his readers to support the "counter-attack that had been mounted in Dallas."

In 1961 Crichton joined forces with other right-wing figures in Dallas to establish a program called "Know Your Enemy". This was to combat communist influence that "was undermining the American way of life". The following year Crichton opened an underground command post under the patio of the Dallas Health and Science Museum that was intended for "continuity-of-government" operations during a communist attack.

In 1963 Crichton was nominated by the Republican Party for the post of Governor of Texas. He joined forces with George H. W. Bush, who was the nominee for the U.S. Senate. As Crichton later recalled, he and Bush "spoke from the same podiums" that year. However, Crichton was defeated by John Connally and he later wrote a book about his failed attempt to become governor, "The Republican-Democrat Political Campaigns: In Texas in 1964".

In November 1963 Crichton was involved in the arrangements of the visit that JFK made to Dallas. His close friend, Deputy Police Chief George L. Lumpkin, and a fellow member of the the 488th Military Intelligence Detachment, drove the pilot car of Kennedy's motorcade. Also in the car was Lieutenant Colonel George Whitmeyer, commander of all Army Reserve units in East Texas. The pilot car stopped briefly in front of the Texas School Book Depository, where Lumpkin spoke to a policeman controlling traffic at the corner of Houston and Elm.

In the Warren Commission Report it stated that Crichton arranged for a member of the local Russian community, Ilya Mamantov, to work for the Dallas Police Department as a translator for Russian-born Marina Oswald shortly after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Crichton's volunteer translated for Oswald during her initial questioning by the Dallas authorities in the hours immediately after her husband Lee Harvey Oswald had been arrested. According to Russ Baker, the author of Family of Secrets (2009), there "were far from literal translations of her Russian words and had the effect of implicating her husband in Kennedy's death."

Crichton was president of Nafco Oil and Gas. He also owned a company called Dorchester Gas Producing. A fellow director was David Harold Byrd who along with Clint Murchison, Haroldson L. Hunt and Sid Richardson, was part of the Big Oil group in Dallas. Barr McClellan (Blood, Money & Power) argues that "Big Oil would be during the fifties and into the sixties what the OPEC oil cartel was to the United States in the seventies and beyond". One of the main concerns of this group was the preservation of the oil depletion allowance.

Jack Crichton who was President of the Dallas Petroleum Engineers Club, also served as a Director to Florida Gas Company, Clark Oil and Refining, Whitehall Corporation, Transco Energy and the Consolidated Development Corporation.

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EPIC1934 Donating Member (172 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-09-09 09:29 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Family of Secrets
It is impossible to capture the degree of detail that Russ Baker's new book offers. Here, however is a summery of his new revelations and how they relate to
H.W. Bush CIA agent in 1963 and
George de Mohrenschildt, long understood to be the 1# CIA handler of Oswald in Dallas, who was killed two days before being scheduled to testify before the House Select
Committee on Assassinations in 1977.


By now, we have enough information to show, fairly conclusively, that Oswald was being managed by Poppy's old friend de Mohrenschildt. We also have others connected with
Poppy (H.W. Bush) closely associated with the evnts of November. And we have Poppy creating an alibi for himself.

Details on who fired the gun, whose gun it was, and how many shots were fired from where remain releveant, but become of secondary importance. The central question is the story
that lies behind these details.

In summation, here's just some of the new, relvant information:

* Poppy Bush was closely tied to key members of the intelligence community including the deposed CIA head with a known grudge against JFK; he was also tied to Texas oligarchs
who hated Kennedy's politics and whose wealth was directly threatened by Kennedy; this network was part of the military/intelligence elite with a history of using assassination
as an instument of policy.

* Poppy Bush was in Dallas on November 21 and most likely the morning of November 22. He hid that fact, he lied about knowing where he was, then he created an alibi based
on a lead he knew was false. And he never acknowledged the closeness of his relationship with Oswald's handler George de Mohrenschildt.

* Poppy's business partner Thomas Devine met with de Mohrenschildt during that period, on behalf of the CIA

* Poppy's eventual Texas running mate in the 1964 election, Jack Crichton, was connected to the military intellignece figures who led Kennedy's motercade.

* Crichton and D. Harold Byrd, owner of the Texas School Book Depository building, were both conected to de Mohrenschildt-- and directly ot each other though oil-
buisiness dealings.

* Byrd brought in the tenant that hired Oswald shortly before the assassination.

* Oswald got his job in the building through a friend of de Mohrenschildt's with her own intelligence conncections-- including family ties to Allen Dulles.

Even Jack Ruby's slaying of Oswald fits the larger pattern seen here-- one in which Oswald is indeed a "patsy"-- a pawn in a deadly game who would never be permitted to say
what he knew (78)

Ruby himself practically admitted as much. After his trial, he made a statement to reporters as to his motives in shooting Oswald, and essentially admitted to a conspiracy.

RUBY: Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts, of what occured,
my motives. The people had, that had so much to gain and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I'm in , will never
let the true facts come above board to the world.

REPORTER: Are these people in very high positions, Jack?

RUBY: Yes (79)

Family of Secrets pp. 117-118

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EPIC1934 Donating Member (172 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-09 06:14 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. Dallas Safari, 1963
On Owner of the building rented to the private and intelligence-connected company know as the Texas School Book depository Harold Byrd:

The important point here it that a division of the CIA was producing general non-fiction books, and it would not be inconceivable that it was
also interested in the textbooks distributed by companies such as the texas School Book Depository.

Allen Dulles even infiltrated that paragon of objectivity the Encyclopedia Britanica, whitewashing the agency's Bay of Pigs fiasco in an article in the
1963 Book of the Year.(63)

It is worth noting that D. Harold Byrd, a big-game hunter, decided to take his first-ever foreign safari--to Africa-- during this period. That removed
him from Dallas precisely when the assassination took place. Besides Byrd's far right politics, his founding role in Civil Air Patrol, and his ties to de
Mohrenschildt, he evidently rejoiced in Kennedy's assassination-- as suggested by the macabre fact that he arranged for the window from which
Oswald purportedly fired the fatal shots to be removed and set up at his home. (64) (Family of Secrets page 113)
. . .

Another salient fact is that, on the day of the assassination, Deputy Police Chief George L. Lumpkin was driving the pilot car of the Kennedy's motorcade
a quarter miel ahead of JFK's vehcle (69) Lumpkin was a fiend of Hack Crighton, Poppy Bush's GOP colleague. Like Crighton, moreover, he was a member
of an Army Intelligence Reserve Unit.(Lumpkin would later tell the House Select Committee on Assassinations that he had been consulted by the Secret Service
on motorcade security, and his input had eliminated an alternative route.)(70) In the car with Lumpkin was another Army officer, Lieutenant Colonel George
Whitmeyer, commander of all Army reserve units in East Texas, who happened to be Jack Crighton's boss in the Reserve. (see earlier post on Crighton)

Although Whitmeyer was not on the police list of those approved to ride in the pilot car, he had insisted that he be in the vehicle and remained there until the
shooting. The only recorded stop made by the pilot car was directly in front of the Depository building. Lumpkin stoped briefly there, and spoke briefly to
a policeman handling traffic at the corner of Houston and and Elm.
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Bigmack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-14-09 10:50 PM
Response to Original message
11. It just arrived
and a couple chapters into it, I'm hooked. Thanks for the Rec. Ms Bigmack
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EPIC1934 Donating Member (172 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-15-09 10:54 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. 488th Military Intel group in Dallas
It only gets more unputdownable! Glad to do something usefull with my life!

I feel the need to post this thread about Jack Crichton and the 488th Military Inteligence Group. know the feeling.

The new information found by Russ Baker in his new book Family of Secrets has filled in important new info on the 488th.
Operation Mockingbird Spartacus:
Operation Mockingbird Education Forum

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EPIC1934 Donating Member (172 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-18-09 09:39 AM
Response to Reply #12
13. Empire Trust
This thread on Education Forum is essential for readers of this book. Linda Minor was a source for Baker, and is a lawyer and researcher from Texas. She has shared some of her incredible work on Crichton, DeGolyer, and Empire Trust on this thread.
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EPIC1934 Donating Member (172 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-19-09 10:07 AM
Response to Reply #13
14. Good Stuff here!
This Post is worth spending some time on clicking the clickables. If clickables dont, then click here for the thread on Ed Forum.

Fascinating connections between the de M. and Egyptian intelligence dude who son was later the "Dodi" cat who dies the day lady died. Never payed much attention to Lady di stuff before, nevertheless it is interesting that De Mohrenschildt had such direct ties to H.W. Bush knew Alland Dulles directly, and had family intelligence ties with US intelligence dating back to 1918 AND is connected to Dod's dad. CHECK THE SOURCING ON THIS ONE!

Sources: FBI 124-10135-10123; FBI 100-32965-306, pp. 2, 6, 28; NW 381-2, 6, 28; Dallas Morning News, Wed., 6/23/99, p. 13-A
Comments: Oil businessman from Kuwait. Was entertained at dinner by George and Jeanne deMohrenschildt in Haiti in June 1964 while official guest of Haitian Government. It was reported (by a CIA informant ?) that Alexandra deMohrenschildt Gibson, daughter of George deMohrenschildt, while visiting her father in Haiti in December 1964 without her husband, Don, was dating Mohammed Fayed. Fayad purchased Harrods in London in early 1980s. (Fayed's son, Dodi, was killed in an automobile accident in Paris on August 31, 1997 that also killed English Princess Dianna.) Mohammed Fayed repeatedly applied for British citizenship but was denied each time. The last time he applied was Tues., 6/22/99. That time, he won permission to challenge the government's decision refusing him British citizenship. In 1999, Fayad was 66 years old.

QUOTE(John Simkin @ Jan 17 2009, 07:56 AM)
QUOTE(Linda Minor @ Jan 16 2009, 05:08 PM)
Several questions are raised by this letter:
1. Who had he been talking to about Oswald?
2. What had he been saying?
3. Why should he contact the director of the CIA about this? (John Simkin)

Russ Baker answers these questions beginning with his subtitle "From One George to Another" at page 268.

I am not sure he does. Russ Baker writes about George de Mohrenschildt's meetings with Willem Oltmans. However, those meetings began in February 1977. De Mohrenschildt's letter is dated September 1976.

He does say that Jeanne and George de Mohrenschildt divorced in 1974. She claimed that "a doctor had appeared in Dallas for a brief period and administered injections to him. Following those injections, she said, George suffered a nervous breakdown, at which point she decided to have him hospitalized. The doctor, she claimed, vanished into thin air." p. 271. Above that quote, on the same page it says that she signed the commitment papers on November 9, 1976. The quoted passage cites an article by Jim Marrs in the Fort Worth evening Star Telegram, May 11, 1978 with a headline entitled "Widow Disputes Suicide."

One could almost assume the doctor appeared in response to the letter?
“Sep. 1976, Sergei DeMohrenschildt was subjected to nine electro-shock treatments at Parkland Hospital under orders given by Doctor DeLoach …first cousin of FBI Assistant Director Cartha ‘Deke’ DeLoach. DeMohrenschildt’s doctor of record’, Dr. Mendoza, ordered administration of intravenous drugs on DeMohrenschildt being committed to Parkland Hospital for mental problems’ but, it was DeLoach that ordered electro-shock therapy. This occurred when George Bush was Director of Central Intelligence …and, within weeks of DeMohrenschildt having written a manuscript, entitled, I Am A Patsy! I Am A Patsy! …which named names of various CIA and FBI personnel who framed Oswald to cover their tracks in JFK’s assassination."
“DeMohrenshieldt’s wife told Jim Marrs, a Dallas reporter, ‘He must have still harbored guilt feelings about his work for Germans during World War II, because he told me, ‘It’s Jews, they’ve caught up with me,’” Grodin said.
In 1964, a CIA report states, ‘ Alexandra was being monitored by CIA’s James Jesus Angleton because she was having an affair with Mohammed al Fayed shortly after JFK assassination.’ James Jesus Angleton’s name is signed at bottom of that 41 page report. Under his signature is that of CIA asset, Jane Roman. Roman was CIA agent who record shows was charged with monitoring movements of Lee Harvey Oswald for two months preceding assassination.

The above website cites:
"note:Burnham comments on DeMohrenshildt. "

That cited website actually used information without accreditation from Adamson:
De M was business partners with Mohamed Al Fayed in 1964. Fayed had an affair with Alexandra de Mohrenschildt and James Angleton of the CIA was interested in this.;relPageId=1
This document indicates deM. and Mohammad Abdel Fayed were in contact in Haiti, and that Fayed was traveling under Haitian passport but suspected of having been a member of Egyptian intelligence in 1953 in Saudi Arabia. Also had involvement with Trujillo and possibly Castro.
A Record from Mary Ferrell's Database
Sources: FBI 124-10135-10123; FBI 100-32965-306, pp. 2, 6, 28; NW 381-2, 6, 28; Dallas Morning News, Wed., 6/23/99, p. 13-A
Mary's Comments: Oil businessman from Kuwait. Was entertained at dinner by George and Jeanne deMohrenschildt in Haiti in June 1964 while official guest of Haitian Government. It was reported (by a CIA informant ?) that Alexandra deMohrenschildt Gibson, daughter of George deMohrenschildt, while visiting her father in Haiti in December 1964 without her husband, Don, was dating Mohammed Fayed. Fayad purchased Harrods in London in early 1980s. (Fayed's son, Dodi, was killed in an automobile accident in Paris on August 31, 1997 that also killed English Princess Dianna.) Mohammed Fayed repeatedly applied for British citizenship but was denied each time. The last time he applied was Tues., 6/22/99. That time, he won permission to challenge the government's decision refusing him British citizenship. In 1999, Fayad was 66 years old.
A Record from Mary Ferrell's Database
Sources: WC 26, p. 760; CE 3116; FBI 124-10135-10123; FBI 100-32965-306, p. 18; NW 381-18
Mary's Comments: Jenner says Mr. and Mrs. Gibson are planning to leave Wingdale, NY and move to Florida. While deMohrenschildts were in Haiti, they received a piece of mail with return address: "Alex GIBSON, 701 N.E. 22nd Street, Miami, Florida" postmarked November 19, 1964.
A Record from Mary Ferrell's Database
Sources: Warren Report (289, 313); WC 11 (124-153); Kennedy Conspiracy, Flammonde (196); HSCA Vol 12, pp. 92, 95-97; Mary's Comments:
DOB: December 25, 1943. Daughter of George deMohrenschildt and Dorothy Romeyn Pierson. Married to Gary Taylor Nov. 1959. Divorced Taylor April 1963 following birth of son, Curtis Taylor on Feb. 10, 1962. Married to Donald Gibson by 1963. Friend of William Sprott, Attorney, at Tilton home in Florida in 1977. In 1993, owns boutique, Cafa Chic, in Del Ray Beach, FL. In 1994, when Nancy Tilton died, Alexandra sold Cafa Chic and moved to Tubac, AZ, to open a "bed and breakfast" in Nancy's home. The place was called The Secret Garden Inn. In 2001, Alexandra and Giorgio Miola sold the inn to people who converted it to a private residence. Alexandra and Giorgio moved to Green Valley, AZ. In April 2002, her address is: 1411 W. Via Del Petirrojo, Green Valley, AZ 85614-5013

(microfilm)/HSCA Segregated CIA Collection (microfilm - reel 5: Conte - De Mohrenschildt)/
NARA Record Number: 1994.04.25.14:03:32:190005 indicates connections between De Mohrenschildt and Fayed:

This post has been edited by Linda Minor: Today, 03:20 PM

Operation Mockingbird Spartacus:
Operation Mockingbird Education Forum

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Bigmack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-09 12:03 PM
Response to Reply #11
15. The more I read in this
incredibly well-researched book, the more concerned I become about Pres. Obama's fate . "Those" people have a way of getting rid of those whom they do not control.....and I think, at least at this point, they do not totally control Obama. Ms Bigmack
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Democracyinkind Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-08-09 05:17 AM
Response to Reply #15
24. Whatever "control" means

Somehow I just don't see how Obama is not "controlled" by the same forces. I think we have the tendency to think of "those people" when we talk about a "president being controlled" - but even with Bush, Bakers line of thinking isn't there to state that " Bush was controlled by this group of people" ... I took it to mean something more in the line of that they represent interests through their policies that are structurally different than our interests would be, something like having their own agenda rather than being just puppets of an invisible elite. (Although there certainly is something that comes near to the concept of that invisible elite, granted)....

But Obama must surely work for the same structural interests as Bush did or there would be no discernible continuity with Bush. Maybe Bush just tended to the wicked witch of the west while Obama has his chips placed with the wicked witch of the east.

I think that within that elite there is such a difference (and many more, besides the mentioned east-west conflict, which is, Oz is my witness, a fairly old one in American politics) but that doesn't say much since both of them have the same structural interests - of which Obama is gladly taking care of.
>That of course, doesn't prevent him from "doing good" or pursuing our interest, it just pretty much places it way on the bottom of his to-do list.
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Manifestor_of_Light Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-18-09 04:29 AM
Response to Original message
16. THE FAMILY by Kitty Kelley has a lot of criminal stuff in it.
Including Prescott's dealing with the Nazis, and several generations of their stuff.

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Captain Hilts Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-11-09 08:52 PM
Response to Reply #16
18. What she doesn't know, she makes up. Ignore it. nt
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Manifestor_of_Light Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-30-09 01:29 AM
Response to Reply #18
21. No, Kitty Kelley tells the truth.
Why do I know this?

If she was lying, she could be successfully sued for libel. She has never been successfully sued for libel. That's how we know she is telling the truth. She meets the legal standard for truth-telling.

Same with Michael Moore. He has the libel lawyers for The New Yorker magazine check all his movies and books with a fine-toothed comb. He has never been successfully sued for libel either.

BTW I have a law degree which is a Doctor of Jurisprudence. That's how I know this. Libel and slander are intentional torts.

Get your facts straight.
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SpiralHawk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-29-09 07:25 AM
Response to Reply #16
20. "Smirk." - Bush Family Occult Empire
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G_j Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-11-09 03:13 PM
Response to Original message
17. K
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EPIC1934 Donating Member (172 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-25-09 09:31 PM
Response to Reply #17
19. WOW this book just took a huge Jump-- four Big newspaper posts away from Bestseller Critical Mass
WOW. I just checked amazon, and this book jumped up to 197 up from about 5,000 which was already good considering there are 5,000,000 books on Amazon.

What does this mean?

If 5 people anywhere in the US post on a site with a lot of volume tonight or tomorrow it could be the push that pushes this book onto the bestseller list. From there multiplying effect. THERE ARE TWO GENERATIONS OF INFORMATION FROM THE 31/2 MILLION RECORDS DECLASSIFIED SINCE THE Assassination Records Review Board was formed by President Clinton at the end of 1993, after H.W. Bush refused to sign the legislation, and Clinton stalled for a long time.

SINCE THE WALL TO WALL MASS MEDIA BLANKET PROMOTION OF THE NOW COMPLETELY DISCREDITE LONENUTTERS WONT EVEN GO NEAR IT BOOK CASE CLOSED, no book has gotten even near this high, save the unbelieveable new book JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by James W. Douglass.

The MEDIATION OF THE ASSASSINATION is as important as all the new evidence that is brilliantly described here. But while the the Four Networks and the NYT Salivate over books with litterally hundreds of errors and no balance of evidence selection, they almost completely ignore this book and COMPLETELY AND UNEQUVICALLY IGNORE JFK and the Unspeakable.

Mention that Russ has worked as an editor for Columbia Journalism Review. While credentialism can be nauseating, unfortunately it is necessary here because of all the media manipulation involved with publications about JFK and also the very much unanswered questions about Watergate
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Mimosa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-20-09 11:26 PM
Response to Original message
22.  Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House
Edited on Wed May-20-09 11:28 PM by Mimosa> is online home to Russ Baker, investigative journalist and author of>Family of Secrets an awesome and frightening book which tied together all the loose ends of the far reaching web of intrigue and power which is the Bush Family.

I am now reading Family of Secrets. It is eye-opening and deserves space on the shelf of every person who seriously cares about what has happened to America over the past several decades.>Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America (Hardcover)
by Russ Baker (Author)


Learn why the conventional understanding of Watergate gets the story wrong. Discover how Nixon was implicated in a sprawling plot to which he was not a party, and how an aggressive effort was mounted to use the ‘facts’ of the case to force him from office. Read new revelations about the precise involvement of Poppy Bush, Bob Woodward and White House counsel John Dean in this still-mysterious American epic.

Also learn:

* Why George H.W. Bush can’t remember where he was on November 22, 1963
* Why oilman George H.W. Bush shows up in early CIA documents
* The real story behind George W. Bush’s missing military service
* The inside scoop on the Bushes and Saudi influence in America
* The strange saga of Harvard University and its endowment
* The untold real story behind George W. Bush’s religious awakening
* Never before told anecdotes from George W. Bush’s wild past
* How the CIA monitors the White House and its occupants
* Why Barack Obama and his supporters should read this book


The Washington Post is controlled by the CIA and has been ever since the editorship of CIA flunkie Ben Bradlee so it isn't odd that Amazon broke their own rules used a review from it as the main feature instead of from the common Publisher's Weekly and other professional book review venues. Ignore that review and instead read what the readers (some who are well known authors) say about this important book.

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pscot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-11-09 09:06 PM
Response to Original message
25. This book is just crammed with WTF moments
Reading it is sort of like being struck repeatedly between the eyes with a blunt instrument. This is indispensable reading for anyone who wants to understand the second half of the 20TH century and the first decade of this one. You have to read this book.
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AntiFascist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-11-09 04:05 AM
Response to Original message
26. Sounds like essential reading! n/t
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DCKit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-11-09 10:32 AM
Response to Original message
27. Dying to know how many un-recs this thread has received. n/t
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Wednesdays Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-11-09 05:35 PM
Response to Original message
28. K&R
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MinM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-16-09 07:17 AM
Response to Original message
29. Russ Baker: Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty - The Education Forum
Just a terrific book...

Russ Baker gives some background to the story here or here.

Russ Baker: Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty - The Education Forum
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Manifestor_of_Light Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-23-09 04:22 AM
Response to Original message
30. kick
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