Edited on Sat Jul-04-09 08:37 AM by hippywife
I just finished the book Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex by Mary Roach. This is an absolutely hysterical read. Not because of the subject matter as much as the author's very wry sense of humor and grasp of the absurd. She is without a doubt the wittiest author I've read in a long time.
It's not a large book and it's a pretty quick and easy read. I usually hate footnotes planted throughout a book but in hers (I also read Stiff and Spook) they are welcome and anticipated.
I seriously laughed out loud and had to read some passages to my husband, they were that funny, proving that sometimes there's nothing funnier than the true nature of people and how they approach things.
I give this book many, many :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Definitely a wonderful break from heavy, serious reading.