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Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming

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kgrandia Donating Member (403 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-28-09 07:37 PM
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Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming
“This book explains how the propaganda generated by self-interest groups has purposely created confusion about climate change. It’s an imperative read for a successful future.”
LEONARDO DICAPRIO, Actor and Producer

“A clear and courageous battle cry against those who, for profit’s sake, would lead us to environmental and, ultimately, economic ruin.”
LESTER BROWN, Author of Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization

“An exposé of planetary scale.”
JAMES E. HANSEN, Director, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Starting in the early 1990s, three large American industry groups set to work on strategies to cast doubt on the science of climate change. Even though the oil industry’s own scientists had declared, as early as 1995, that human-induced climate change was undeniable, the American Petroleum Institute, the Western Fuels Association (a coal-fired electrical industry consortium) and a Philip Morris-sponsored anti-science group called TASSC all drafted and promoted campaigns of climate change disinformation.

The success of those plans is self-evident. A Yale/George Mason University poll taken late in 2008 showed that — 20 years after President George H.W. Bush promised to beat the greenhouse effect with the “White House effect” — a clear majority of Americans still say they either doubt the science of climate change or they just don’t know. Climate Cover-Up explains why they don’t know. Tracking the global warming denial movement from its inception, public relations advisor James Hoggan (working with journalist Richard Littlemore), reveals the details of those early plans and then tracks their execution, naming names and exposing tactics in what has become a full-blown attack on the integrity of the public conversation.

Leveraging four years of original research conducted through Hoggan’s website,, Hoggan and Littlemore documented the participation of lapsed scientists and ExxonMobil-funded think tanks. Then they analyzed and explained how mainstream media stood by — or in some cases colluded — while deniers turned a clear issue of science (and an issue for public safety) into a partisan argument that no one could win.

This book will open your eyes, it will raise your ire and, most especially, it will inspire you to take back the truth — to end the Climate Cover-up.
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kgrandia Donating Member (403 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-31-09 04:18 PM
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1. A Scary Halloween for the Climate Denial Industry
The amount of coverage we've received since the launch of Jim and Richard's new book, Climate Cover Up, has been amazing.

The fact that we're just getting warmed up is likely putting a scare into the think tankers, scientists-for-hire and fossil fuel front groups; from the emails we've been getting from such folks so far, I have no doubt we're putting the scare in them.

I thought I would do a quick "monster" scary list of all the coverage so far to wish all of our supporters a happy Halloween and scare the pants off our critics:

Climate Cover-Up: Blockbuster New Book Exposes Anatomy of Denial
The Invention of Lying about Climate Change
Climate Cover-Up / The Crusade to Deny Global Warming
The great Climate Cover-Up
Weekend Opinionator: Are Americans Cooling on Global Warming?
Climate Cover Up reveals how zombies are made
Did you hear the joke about business and global warming?
Climate Cover Up: the crusade to deny global warming
Plain evil and very wrong
‘Truth Squad’ to target climate-change journalists at COP15
Slamming the Climate Skeptic Scam
Number of Americans who believe in climate change drops, survey shows
Local authors take on climate change deniers
The Climate Change Mythbuster
New book outlines the PR effort behind climate-change skeptics
Blog Action Day: Read DeSmogBlog
The Yes Men Hoax is Nothing Compared to the 20-Year Hoax by Fossil Fuel Companies
Barack Obama in new global warming fight
Exposing The Lying Behind The Fight Against Climate Change Action
Trick or Treat for Climate Change
My Top Ten List of Notable Environmental Sites on the Web – Check Them Out!
Climate Cover-Up
Astroturf. It’s not just for smoking anymore
Twilight for the Age of Stupid
Great Climate Cover Up Review in the Sun Today
PR Executive James Hoggan on “Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming”
Astroturf King Jack Bonner's Long History of Deceitful "Grassroots" Lobbying
Win a Copy of Climate Cover Up
Climate Cover Up: The Second Extract
Update: Gesammelte Leseempfehlungen zum Thema Klima-und Umweltschutz
Happy Blog Action Day for Climate
Greener Ideal Giveaway: Win A Copy of Climate Cover-Up by James Hoggan
Climate Cover-Up: A (Brief) Review
Climate Cover-Up / The Crusade to Deny Global Warming
Currently reading: Climate Cover Up
Climate Cover-Up
Deconstructing Public Opinion
A Week of Hilarity + Hijinks From The Yes Men Delights The Blogosphere
Big Oil's Big Buy: Climate Change Denial
Lord Monckton: Who is Al Gore Nemesis, Lord Monckton?
Great Climate Cover Up Review in the Sun Today
New Book - Climate Cover-Up
Climate Cover-Up
New book by Vancouver author details 'crusade' to deny global warming
Lord Monckton: An Inconvenient Brit
How to be a Jerk
The art of causing confusion about climate change
Following the money: The Fraser Institute’s tobacco papers
CIimate Cover-Up - new book exposes Big Oil and corporate cover-up to avoid action against climate change
James Hoggan: Astroturf King Jack Bonner's Long History of Deceitful "Grassroots" Lobbying
Affable Linky
Great Climate Cover Up Review in the Sun Today
Climate Cover-Up
The New Bankruptcy, Astroturfing Climate Change
El ejecutivo experto en relaciones públicas James Hoggan habla sobre su libro “El encubrimiento climático: la cruzada para negar el calentamiento global”
PR Executive James Hoggan on “Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming”
The Environment, Climate Change, and Contact Centers
Amy Goodman: Climate change is no trick
B.C. author fighting climate-change denial
Fore-Warned is Fore-Armed
Trick or Treat for Climate Change
Climate Kool-Aid at YubaNet
We're all on the take from Big Oil
Stephen Harper and the Fraser Institute Wage War on Climate Science
20 Oct 2009: Today's Democracy Now!
Book draws attention to climate change 'coverup' by fossil fuel industry
New at the Library October 21, 2009
Daniel Cudmore no “tapete verde” em Vancouver
Explaining plummeting belief in anthropogenic climate change
Peter Foster: The weather exploiters
Barack Obama in new global warming fight
Terence Corcoran: Climatism and the new green industrial state
Another day, another survey
New industry springs up to deflect public concern
US Chamber's Long History of Killing Clean Energy Policy
Review on RealClimate: History of Climate Change Denial
Credibility in a Bewildered World
Noche de brujas y el cambio climático
I am a global warming skeptics, where is my money from big oil? I am waiting!
Myndband: Loftslagssamsærið !
Jacobson and Delucchi, Half baked at best
Barack Obama in new global warming fight –
Global warming PR suffers blowback
Climate change notes 2
Daniel Cudmore no “tapete verde” em Vancouver (Felix)
Climate calamities
Muzzling Climate Debate
New book by Vancouver author details 'crusade' to deny global warming
Blog Action Day: Communication and Change
James Hoggan: Chamber of Commerce: A Long History of Killing Clean Energy Policy
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