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pension funds launder money?

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scholarsOrAcademics Donating Member (194 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-01-09 08:14 PM
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pension funds launder money?

Yellow Rain:A journey through the terror of Chemical warfare, Sterling Seagrave. 1981
Everybody is doing it; the comment outstanding from the Whitewater investigations. Everybody, in this case being all those making money off of defense contracts. Particularly how much money have pension funds and 401k's made off of the merry-go-round of defense duplicity. Too much money is dependent on an adequate defense to make clear thinking about real defense needs possible. Add to this generality the threats of biological and chemical warfare as of the date of this book, 1981, and I wonder why I was not aware of what was involved until reading this ancient book. With the dominance of large corporations these days, I.G.Farbin, DuPont, Monsanto, FDA and a proliferation of private military contractors how does one identify who the real actors are? Biological weapons in the hands of disgruntled or deranged agents is a real threat, despite the many devious statements of government officials, the many 'I told you so' huffing and puffing.
unfortunately, the story continues.

A film by Bob Coen & Eric Nadler
Film makers Bob Coen and Eric Nadler investigate the forgotten story of the 2001 anthrax attacks. A week after 9/11 letters containing the weaponized Ames strain of anthrax began arriving in the mail. These attacks— despite the FBI’s claim that the case is closed— remain unsolved to this day.

In tracing the anthrax attacks to the center of the U.S. bio-defense program, this film raises an alarm. Biological weapons research on global pandemics is now being conducted by corporations and private labs without government oversight.

The 2009 film, ANTHRAX-WAR, and the accompanying book: Dead Silence, Fear and Terror on the Anthrax Trail, detail the seven-year global journey by Coen and Nadler. They uncover an underground black market in bio-warfare materials and attempts to develop a so-called "ethnic bio-weapon", targeting black populations in Africa. Along the way they investigate the suspicious sudden deaths of scientists, among them Bruce Ivins, who was named the lone suspect eight days after his alleged suicide and the questionable suicide by British weapons inspector and anthrax researcher David Kelly.

The film: Anthrax War is a Canada-France co production produced by Galafilm and TelFrance/Transformer Films for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Société Radio-Canada and ARTE. For more information of this excellent film and book <> go to their web site: <>
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scholarsOrAcademics Donating Member (194 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-27-09 11:54 PM
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1. Yellow Rain:A journey through the terror of Chemical warfare, Sterling Seagrave. 1981
Edited on Fri Nov-27-09 11:56 PM by scholarsOrAcademics
and there are those false flag drills. Anyone for psych-ops?

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