To be a top climate scientist today means being up to speed in graduate level physics, advanced mathematics, planetary astronomy, meteorology, paleontology, oceanography, bio and geo-chemistry, dealing with programmers and constantly shifting computer architectures, and now on top of everything else, you have to be a tireless political activist and media celebrity. No one book could fully substitute for those years of study or the crazy political twists and turns that makes up a modern climate scientist's life. But Storms of my Grandchildren comes about as close as you'll ever get. It is hands down the best, most informative, brilliantly written book on general climate science I've ever read.
The author is none other than Dr. James Hansen, the world's foremost expert on climate science. He is by his own account a shy, quiet man more comfortable among a close knit group of family, friends, and colleagues than standing before millions in a national spotlight. But he's a brilliant scientist who earned that distinction with the only currency of value in his profession: Hansen's predictions have been proven right again and again. The book seamlessly integrates that original analysis and the latest scientific findings with the author's growing realization that the news is bad, getting worse, and too many elected leaders are either green-washing the issue or denying it exists. You'll follow along as he is vaulted back and forth from a life of fascinating scientific discovery into the frenzied, decidedly unscientific world of politics, power, and unbridled greed where you are eyewitness to some extraordinary recent history. The latter by itself is a series of captivating stories, from inside Cheney's energy task force to being detained by police at a mountain top removal protest alongside actress Daryl Hannah.