I would recommend you concentrate on what you would like to do, think about how you could do it better than others, and take a tentative leap while you are still working. Start it as a side business. Think about friends that have their own businesses. Is there any way you can tap into their experience? I can tell you from my experience (I have been working for myself for the past ten years) that your biggest hurdle is going to be having the guts to take that first step. The worst time to try to start a business is when you are actually out of work with zero income. You will need money for marketing, inventory, etc, etc.. It will also be more difficult, actually impossible, to get a line of credit from a bank if you do not have a steady income. I started my business in my mid forties in the industrial distribution field as that was my background in sales. What started as distribution morphed into a manufacturing business (I had zero experience) when I was asked if I could make something for some one I met. I said sure without thinking about the fact that I never made a damn thing in my life, made what he had asked for which led to other things including a patent. I ended up with a product that helps the environment, saves the taxpayers a lot of money, and gives me a living, though I admit that things are tight right now. The whole point of this is that once you start you have no idea which direction you may end up going. Good, bad, or indifferent. Opportunities do pop up. Take a chance. I had always thought why not do this. I will ride the wave as long as I can and if things go sour then I can always get a job like everyone else.