I opened to a page, I hadn't read the book again in many years, but been looking at it again over the last couple days.
I found a beautiful diary entry I wanted to post.
I walked in the middle... half the time jumping, so that the two of them could lift me in the air and swing me forward a bit. Then Hans began, "I know a perfectly simple proof for the existence ... of God. People breathe so much that after a while the entire heaven must become polluted from man's used-up breath. But, to make sure that people don't lose this nourishment for their blood, from time to time God puffs a mouthful of his own breath into our world... and renews the air. That's how he does it" And then Hans lifted his face up to the dark, melancholy sky, drew a deep breath and blew it all out. This breath streamed upward in a blue shining column, becoming larger and larger, going far up into the heavens, pushing aside the dirtied clouds, and there above us and before us and around us was the purest, the bluest sky, It was beautiful.
page 107