Edited on Thu Dec-23-10 11:03 PM by rschop
So in his new book, what did Bush say about the meeting he had with George Tenet Director of the CIA on August 24.2001 in Crawford, Texas? Tenet flew down from Washington DC to Crawford for a super secret meeting with President Bush on this date.
At the time of this meeting Tenet knew, that two al Qaeda terrorist, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi were inside of the US, and knew they were in the US in order to take part in a massive al Qaeda attack that would kill thousands of Americans. Tenet even knew that Zacarias Moussaoui had just been arrested by the INS, from information given to them by the Minneapolis FBI who thought Moussaoui was a terrorist who wanted to hijack a large aircraft and fly it into the World Trade Center Towers.
So what did Tenet tell Bush on August 24, 2001. We don’t know because Tenet lied at the 9/11 public hearings on April 14, 2004, and told the 9/11 Commissioners that he had not talked to Bush in August 2001, even though he admitted he knew about this huge attack, and even knew this attack would kill thousands of Americans. The memoirs from both Bush and Tenet later admitted to this meeting in Crawford.
It is inconceivable that Tenet did not give Bush this information at this August 24, 2001 meeting.
So what did Bush do with this information. It looks like he did nothing but allow the CIA to continue to shut down all FBI criminal investigations of al Qaeda terrorists found inside of the US, even when Bush and the CIA knew this would allow the al Qaeda terrorists to carry out the attacks that occurred on 9/11.